
Eh, I can go as far as the first 4. Green and Maladroit are lighter efforts but still worthy. It’s after that when they truly shit the fan.

I’m wary of it too because it feels shoehorned in. There haven’t been any hints that something multi-dimensional has been happening all along. To start moving toward that in the third season sounds like a desperate attempt to start aiming toward a conclusion that they didn’t have in mind at the beginning. And I’m a

Maybe it was just due to it being at Universal Studios, where most people might not think to go see a movie? We saw TFA that Saturday at a 9am showing that was completely packed at the theater in our mall.

Ignore the great new album from Robert Plant but waste space on that C+ “William Patrick” Corgan album. Makes sense.

Tickets. You get tickets.

Train “honored” Led Zeppelin not too long ago by re-recording LZII. That’s when Robert Plant threw up his hands and said “No more Zep reunions! This can’t be topped!”

New album from The Church today as well, man woman life death infinity. Based on one listen, it’s quite good, feels a bit like Priest = Aura era material. Pretty safe bet if you’re a Church fan, they’ve very rarely made too bad of a misstep (Sometime Anywhere comes immediately to mind as an example of

“Kansas wine”! Me too for ages, until I bothered to look in the lyric booklet.

“Weekend Juggalo friend” sounds very noncommittal.

People are forgetting that the “reality” that the film lives in is not our reality, and as long as the reality holds up for the film, it doesn’t matter if it matches our real reality. The science in Jurassic Park makes enough sense to just go along with it, just like it does in Star Wars and Marvel movies. I doubt

Robert Plant’s first two albums, Pictures At Eleven and The Principle Of Moments, were really solid. It’s the albums in between them and Mighty Rearranger that are spotty. There are great, great songs on every one of his albums but those first two still have some of the Led Zep fire. Perhaps only coincidentally those

Steven Wilson: To The Bone. A change of pace aimed toward the pop and rock he grew up with in the 70s and 80s rather than the dark, sometimes weird prog roots that generally rule his music. There are nods to ABBA (“Permanating”) and Prince (“Song of I”) mixed in a mish-mash of stuff that is reminiscent of Peter

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Again, it isn't meant to be a snob issue. Different types of music are like different languages. The more you're immersed in it, the more normal it seems. I'm a big jazz fan so music that has a lot of jazz influences, as this one does, really appeals to me. But before I listened to jazz, I can almost guarantee this

Like he's even going to testify. There will be excuse after excuse as to why he can't testify, just like with his tax returns, or debating Bernie Sanders, etc.

Admit it. You haven't actually heard this band's music, have you? "Lukewarm happy treacle" and "Gap ambient shit" is absolutely nothing like their style.

It's certainly epic by the standards of being a single.

She's one of those people who the less "hot" they try to make her makes her that much hotter. In Bob Ross terms, putting her in more makeup, etc. is the "let's give it a little friend" to the happy little tree that Bob perfectly placed already.

No, this one only keeps wildcats in the store.