
If there's a Lobo movie, there needs to be BJ And The Bear movie too.

Oggi's at 67th ave. and Beardsley has awesome pizza, maybe my favorite.

Pizza should be crust, sauce, cheese, and a topping, MAYBE two - pepperoni, sausage, etc. None of this "gourmet pizza" garbage.

No, please do with your time what you want. Just seems to me that you're wasting a lot of energy on something you don't like. What's the point? I dislike lots of shows but I don't bother going into the comments and arguing with those who do enjoy it about why I think it stinks.

Not really. I don't hate Coldplay but find them to often be pretty bland and insipid, especially where the lyrics are concerned. Elbow is similarly quiet but a lot, A LOT more thoughtful and meaningful, and there's an artfulness to their music that I think is missing from most of Coldplay's output. I'd say Elbow is

Build a Rocket Boys doesn't work as well as Seldom Seen Kid, but as you point out it has some real gems. I read somewhere that they were struggling with what to write about for that one, as Guy felt they had kind of covered a lot of ground before that, culminating in SSK which kind of centered around maturing into

You missed out - they were clearing out the DVD sets of that a few years ago. I seem to recall it being about $15 at Costco. A bargain. Really cool series. Can't imagine we'll ever see anything quite like that again.

I'm calling it now: the bot being made out of shiny white stuff in Ford's secret lair is not a clone of Theresa but of Elsie.

Wow, Elle featuring members of Loma Prieta AND Beau Navire?!

The definition is "remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that it becomes weaker or less effective." How does GitS become weaker because she's not fully nude?

My iMac is just over 6 years old and while it technically runs the CC version of Photoshop, it is painfully slow. It can take 10 minutes just to load. I just start it when I get on the computer on the chance that I might need to use it at some point that day because waiting for the icon to stop bouncing and actually

Eh, I guess this is okay. The album was fine for its time, not something I returned to much despite being a big fan of Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. Of the two PJ-related re-releases this fall, the Mother Love Bone box is a lot more intriguing than TotD. I still frequently return to MLB.

I guess I am among the few that have had few issues with Apple Music (or at least few issues that the only other similar alternative, Google Play Music All Access, also shares.) But I also did something few others did when I started with Apple Music: I started with an empty library and added my music to it as I went

As one of these "diehard Rush fans," I like the Ramones in a casual way and listen to them occasionally. Why would I hate them? They bucked the system just like Rush did. I respect that.

Well, they're "the good ones" of that era, at least. Also the only ones. I don't care much for the synthy 80s stuff. They got back on track in the 2000s - not necessarily following the direction they were going in the 70s, but much more interesting to me. Like I said, I don't get so much out of the 70s stuff but I

TIL I look awful. I wear t-shirts every single day and I'm in my 40s.

TD2 wasn't terrible, but it wasn't very good either. I count great show by the desire to watch them again, and I don't want to watch TD2 again. TD1, I'll watch that again. I'll watch other "great but flawed" things like Battlestar Galactica because so much of BSG was great, and the flaws didn't stick out like they do

The snark is that prevalent everywhere. I mean, "LGBTQQIAAP" is a real acronym, but sounds like a ridiculous joke.

Some, yes, definitely, but the majority of people I see using DLSRs never take them out of auto mode simply because DSLRs take incredible quality photos. And many of the mid-range DSLRs that these people are using don't make manual settings as easy as they should be. I know on my NEX-7 that anything out of manual

That was my first thought too. "Silly" is exactly what it seems, and that isn't what worked in his previous mockumentaries. They had silliness, but they weren't silly. I don't feel like many of these characters could exist, and realistic people is what makes a mockumentary work - fairly regular people in situations