
Sorry, but branding this show as “The Terror: Whateverthefuck” is a goddamn insult to Dan Simmons. Like, don’t put this on him, Ricky Bobby.

Season 3 of The Expanse is even better than season 2.

Only watched the beginning of the first season but read the first three books. It got way too dark, and there’s no way I wanted to see that stuff on screen (including all the additional rapes the producers ADDED in).

So wtf is the “FOTC” you reference in the article? You guys really need a copy editor - you can’t just post an acronym and not say what it means

I’m not saying she’s too young to be a food writer. Never once said it. I’m saying that I was an adult with real memories at all points in her consciousness of fast food. That was 16 years ago, and I’ve probably had 250+ McDonald’s double cheeseburgers in that time period. It’s a quick, cheap way to get protein and

Ignoring the grades, the criticism by Stephens (most certainly last week) and this week, ignores to my mind, the tragedy and sympathies this series does a very fine job in creating,. Instead the reviewers cynicism upends any credibility while revealing a lack of empathy for human failings Last week’s gorgeous

Hush your mouth! A Quiet Place was good!

Solid list but missing some crucial elements:
AUTECHRE’S NTS SESSIONS! If eight hours of bloop-blorg-hiss is too much for you, then start with my personal favorite NTS SESSION 4. The session is a delicate finale that is active participation ambient listening.

The island is the interface between the world of the living and the spirit world.  This isn’t wild theory, Jacob literally says this in very simple terms. It’s why people connected to the island (even if that connection is in the future) can see the dead, or otherwise have psychic (spiritual) powers. It’s why the

I agree! This review surprised me because I was really into this episode, and I thought there were enough hints dropped that moved the story forward. I didn’t read the book, but I watch the show with subtitles to make sure I catch all the things they say that I probably wouldn’t if I was just listening. I would have

Whoa! A C? After giving last week an A? Last week was tedious, but still wouldn’t fall below a B-.  This one actually moved the investigation forward

It’s less that people forgot about it and more that the “controversy” around it was so tiring on its face that people just gave up.

One of the worst parts of Kinjafication: no one understands gimmick posters. Sigh.

“It never hits the anti-humor heights of the TV show, which had one episode that was entirely dedicated to learning about how renting property works

They’re rushing Headlong to a release.

You are not a nitpicky asshole, because I stopped reading the review and came down here immediately to see if anyone else remembers it as I do. It was a huge character moment about Ama. I can’t believe the review blew it, and so early. 

As someone else said, that’s not nitpicky, it is a very important distinction to make, because it changes the entire context of what is being said.

Thank heavens Captain Geography is here 

That’s a pretty notable character beat to get that wrong.

Pretty sure the half-sister’s lines were: