Yes. Because she clearly looks like Sammael is trying to get out of her. Jeez.
Yes. Because she clearly looks like Sammael is trying to get out of her. Jeez.
I didn’t say it was a great choice. Just that it fits.
As for everything else you wrote... are you okay?
Nitpicker here. Rey’s parents showed no sign of Force abilities and were rejected by Palpatine. So from a Sith’s point of view they were nobodies.
Leslie could read the ingredients on a tub of Country Crock and make me laugh. Just hire her now and make sure everyone else knows they’re filling in.
While “The Birds” and “No Country for Old Men” are great films for aspiring composers to practice their craft (NO MUSICAL SCORES), I for one am looking forward to the eventual scores for “Metropolis” and sadly do not envision the time to do my own.
Hear, hear! And I’d like to add that VirtualBox is great for emulating Windows XP with working audio. I produce music and love being able to dip into the old apps that won’t work natively on my modern system. I used to use VMWare Workstation but they “broke” the audio for Windows XP somehow. It’s fine if you don’t…
GOP was the party of NO about a decade ago. Now they’re the party of “WTF DO WE DO!??!?!?” LOL
Cat Herder or Slime Licker would be a more fulfilling career than GOP Speaker of the House in 2023.
Never trust a “Libertarian” who wants to tell others what to do. Never ever ever.
I used to work with a young lady in her 20s who was convinced “Blair Witch” was a real documentary. When I asked if she’d noted the actor’s names in the credits she said, “I don’t watch credits.”
She is a dumb c*nt who thinks this is a smart move. Just look at her face.
I’d be livid. But I’m not an idiot. So just blame yourselves for eating her shit, proles.
PACK the court. Make these over-powered detriments to humanity have to deal with more than 8 other judges.
Smith aint’ sorry. He took advantage.
Asshole wouldn’t slap me. But it’s okay to slap Rock?
Black on black crime.
Not a surprise. Hey, how about the fact that a big part of football is modern day mandingo fights?
Saved from what? Possession of critical thinking skills?
You have to be an uneducated boor, morally bankrupt, or a combo platter to vote for a deranged loon like Walker.
Doesn’t the scripture Margarine pretends to believe in state adulterers should be killed? And didn’t she cheat on her husband at least twice that we know of?
Not saying she should be eradicated over it but the religion she uses as a cudgel against others certainly calls for it. Gotta love the selective hypocrisy…
You’re pathetic. I’m done replying to your useless carcass in this thread. Feel free to write whatever you think will give your meaningless life value. I’m out.