Really Rick Sparks

LOL my thought was that he’d suffocate due to his own neck folds if he even tried to lickalottapuss.

And Brady is a known cheater. And supports Drumpf. Oh boy....

Let me be the first to say that Patriots fans support a guy who texted a guy called “The Deflator” then claimed no deflation of balls occurred.

They’re... Italian?

I got nuthin’. Just freaking weird, bro.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Sarah Huckabee Sanders that a nice flesh-eating bacteria wouldn’t fix. She is an utter waste of human skin, just like her boss and his fucktarded family.

What in the world are you insured for?

I’m thankful that soon Mueller’s investigation will result in more indictments, that President Dump will soon resign or be tried for treason, and that this terrible offal ... er, offspring from Mike Huckabee’s loins of lard will be out on her ear.

Seriously, every time I see her I hear John Oliver’s voice in my head...

Prepare to vomit.

To me, this just smacks of a half-assed public suicide and/or murder attempt that he didn’t commit to fully. No one would believe he wanted to kill his wife, he was just showing us how safe his gun handling skills were!

Reminder: Although he is currently the Attorney General, this lying little toady LIED about having contact with Russian agents and LIED about whether or not he knew anyone else working for The Dotard’s campaign had contact with Russian agents.

He is unfit for the position he currently holds and should be prosecuted for

>> Every time you buy from a store because they are Black owned (or Chinese, or Muslim, etc.) you have simultaneously deprived someone else of your custom because they are White.

Yeah, when will someone protect the white business owners!!!?

You’re not the brightest bulb on the Xmas tree.

Do you REALLY not understand why this kind of thing is important? Are you just that naive and/or racist?

Buh-bye! Don’t let the internet door hit ya where evolution split ya!

> Hannity receives absolution from Geraldo.


Seriously, though, I wish Hannity nothing but the best... flesh-eating bacteria eat him alive.

If CNN is eradicated as a result of Trump, I will be on a watchlist or in jail.

Donald Trump and most people in his admin or family are guilty of treason and should be executed as described by the Constitution of the United States.

I don’t disagree. The story is notoriously short on details and we all know Rand Paul is a fucking douche who likely goaded his neighbor over years into deciding violence was the only way to deal with him.

>> Are your words worth being heard, or are they empty syllables drowning out other voices of reason?

If only we could get everyone on Fox News to think this way. 

“BvS” is a litmus at this point. You liked parts but agree it was dumb overall? We can hang. You defend it and claim it was more than just a messy batch of tripe? You a stupid ho.

We all know The Dotard demands complete loyalty from anyone who works with him, but does everyone just HAVE to be a backward-minded racist as well?