+1 for the Vinny Chase ref.
+1 for the Vinny Chase ref.
As a grown-ass woman, I would leave my vibrator out in full view WAY before I would have a stuffed animal decorating my bed.
That's not what statutory rape is, btw.
The "wardobe malfuction" was ENGINEERED. Come on, folks, you realize that now, right?
So I totally live that shit daily- no idea why you think that is being intentionally obtuse. Oh yeah...it's Jez and you have to gain some cred, right?
Honey - plenty of us dual-income parents share the chorework. I get it it - you're not yet coupled with anyone to equally shoulder the responsibility OR coupled with a…
LOL, wat?
Justified/Deadwood as well. I don't think its all that odd - I think there are a lot of bit players who USA/TNT keeps in the harem.
Do you really think that a govt worker gets any chance to exact their rationalization of thought here? That guy doesn't have the luxury of a judgement call. He is beholden to the rules he/she knows.
And it doesn't indicate age/state of family/any other demographic. That alone makes me know that it is shit. Why do you think it deserves some creedence? Earnestly asking.
I'm confused. Do you think CNN polls are more/less accurate? You realize the census can be gamed. And then also - when the Census isn't gamed - that again, people who participate are not representative of everyone.
Please read your comment ( maybe outloud?) and ponder it. Have you ever been that worker at the bottom of the food chain? "The only thing that remains consistent is facial structure" (your quote) WHAT? Do you really think the guy manning the booth at the DMV is in authority to make/change rules?
Can you find a Law&Order/OZ convergence? Because, wow - there's a lot there.
Are you looking to a media company to explain gender relations/feelings to you?
Again we have to take into account people who respond to surveys! But still, why is this surprising to anyone? Someone is going to claim the brunt of stuff - women or men. And people really need to stop looking to lame-ass polls like this as a guide to how they want to conduct their households.
Ok, real talk here. How many people do you think have shown up in a SC DMV trying to get a pic for an ID that doesn't look like what they look like everyday? I'm going to venture a lot of them.
And again - I REALLY HATE TO KEEP REPEATING THIS - it isn't the fault of the DMV worker, it's a fucked up rule that the DMV…
Agreed. It smells like pickles and easter eggs to me.
I'm ethnically (and nothing but) Catholic, and I am really digging this (OMG, FAT!!!) Pope. He might not change the Church, but I'm hopeful that he might change some Catholics.
So I will direct YOU TOO to the part in my comment where I mention the "stupid-ass rules". It IS for the DMV to decide what constitutes a disguise. For now. That was my point.
It's relevant to a DMV worker who has been told to make sure that ppl don't try to pull of a "disguise" for their photo.
Meh - we've swallowed that bait about Hiddles too, and it never lasts. It NEVER LASTS, I TELL YOU!!!!