
I imagine David on the Port side of the barge like this.

“I’ve done the alignment a dozen times and it still pulls to the right.”

So metal.

Whoever tied this one down did a good job. Just needs a light cleaning.

As a mechanical engineer, it never ceases to amaze me what we are able to engineer together. This is one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen. 

I expected to see David Tracy shopping for a new project at the docks

Another version is “don’t buy a German car in October”

Because she got a lightsaber and doesn’t look evil is the correct answer.

You must not be a VIP. *laughs in gorgeous potato brought specially for me from the back potato room*

I’ve heard it. In the era when theaters where open. (They’re not anymore, but to be honest, I’m more worried in the crowed grocery aisle than I was in a big ventilated room with ten people)

I will happily defend the Stallone Judge Dredd and all of its goofy campiness. It is a fun, silly ride that I drag out now and then. It definitely is not a worthy spawn of the comics, but it deserves recognition in its own right for just being what it is. I file it with other films of that time . . . . like Demolition

Demolition Man still holds up - Wesley and Sly are great counterparts.  And who can forget the 3 seashells

I kind of mush that one up with Demolition Man (which is goofy fun!). 

What? It was a comedy. Stallone said so himself, very loudly, in a conversation with the director, to wit: IT HAS TO BE A COMEDY! LOOK AT MY COSTUME!!

It had ABC robots, Incredible.

I’m very torn on the Dredd movies. Urban was a PERFECT Dredd, but the movie itself (especially Megacity One) didn’t really feel like it nailed the “vibe” of the 2000AD series and it’s ridiculous British tongue in cheek sense of humor, instead opting for pure hyperviolence. It’s a good action movie and I enjoyed it,

You’d get a star for the Robot Jox call-out alone.

That TFA is an almost shot-for-shot remake of A New Hope is exactly WHY people hate it so much. And by “people” I mean “I specifically” because goddamn was that movie a disappointment. Under any other name I could have enjoyed it. If I’d never seen A New Hope before it could have been fine. A fun, fast-paced adventure


I find it hard to be too harsh on Stallone’s Dredd. The first reason is quite personal, since this is the first ever film I watched on Laserdisc and it was quite an experience.