any store with that sign would instantly gain a customer in me. I love fuckin' sales!
any store with that sign would instantly gain a customer in me. I love fuckin' sales!
No, you end up with idiots like Logan Paul when parents don’t bother to teach their kids basic concepts like respect and empathy. That has nothing to do at all with “cultural appropriation.” Logan Paul is a douchebag in the U.S. too.
Yes. We must teach them to be offended by the same things that offend us and by “us,” I mean “a vocal minority on the internet.” They are like innocent children who must be taught about the evils of Rich White Men and their systemic oppression/appropriation/discrimination/imperialism. The only way we can progress as a…
Japanese AMERICANS. Of course they’re going to feel offended. It’s the new “in” thing.
Well, I’ll grant that is a bit strange, but more stores should promote their sales that way!
At what point does taking influences from other cultures become appropriation? The majority of Asia has been dominated by western influence for centuries. Is wearing western style clothes, artists modeling their sound after western music, or trying to emulate western movie making appropriation? Asia has a burgeoning…
The nonsense is only spread by americans. Other people either don’t give a shit or are happy to see you are wearing things of their culture. If you wore a shalwar kameez to Pakistan no one is going to be mad; they’ll be quite happy actually.
Oh my fucking god. So getting Japanese characters tattoo’d on you is now cultural appropriation?
Get the fuck out of here.
Look, we’ve all laughed at those people who got a Chinese character tattoo that thought it meant “spirit” or something, but it instead meant “soup”. But thats about the extent of it. The person…
I mean is it really our job to be outraged for the citizens of Japan when they seem to feel no outrage at this situation?
Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.
I like this one. It always seems like those not involved or affected in any way are the ones making the biggest stink about things. I’m gonna go ahead and appropriate this quote.
Yes, because the Patriots would have had to come up with a more intricate defense than one used by junior flag football teams.
Maybe if Drew Brees hadn’t thrown that interception in overtime we wouldn’t be having this discussion. It’s almost as if that wasn’t the last time that the Saints had possession of the ball. Hmm...
If the car is genuinely in good shape why not just list the miles and price it accordingly?
Tom, you’re the best thing about Jalopnik
All these people out in the cold with no hats on, their mothers would be ashamed.
Nice rust theme you got going on. At least that part’s on topic ;)
“I mean the odo said 156,163, but I got on the phone with the guy and was able to talk him down to 147,382! I gave him my social and mother’s maiden and we sealed the deal then and there!”
For Sale: Great Car. Only $15,995!*
“Better interior” is about the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone say about a Model 3.