
US just killed the supply of ammo from Russia, which accounted for close to 80% of US market , so yeah...

we captured $200 mil , $100 mil .... It was $35 mil in cocaine. We swear !!!

so, tea growing it more sustainable then if hipsters use it.
Yay !!
tea rules !!

do tell what else those farmers will be doing instead ?

sooo, why does the video show teluride and not sorento then ?

was this in detroit or some middle east location -- why is there gun fire in the background ?

sooo, you’re the one subscribing to playboy for articles ???

cheap plastic belt tensioners are not specifically design to fail ?
really ?

But “So between the performance, driving experience, technology & cheap electricity.. you just tend to not care as much about fit & finish. If thats the only con.. so be it.” is not the only con. Its the instrument cluster missing.

are there any actual examples of the supposed bad behavior ?

he could start by training and equipping indigenous people who are presently harassed and murdered by poachers” - the ingenious people do not want to get equipped and trained. they just want civilization as we know it to leave them alone.

new one will be some variant of a Duster platform.

the screen controlled air vents are idiotic and all sorts of crap.

rest are cute and useful, till all those tiny motors powering all those cute and useful thingies will start dying of dirt/time/moist .....

The rocket was responsible for countless deaths late in WWII” — no, the people who built and use it were responsible, but never faced a trial because they became NASA.

commentary is golden

that requires managers who can see beyond next Q. Where do you find those ?

I think its the ability of more integrated (“smaller”) chips to work in high temps.

lost art.
new mantra is to dump old and design new, not to resize into existing design. There is more money to be made new ways.

no, they just went with short sited approach to minimize current cost, because current management types can’t plan for longer than a q worth a shit...

that car ass is huge