
yet they use power grid and highway that would not exist without those gov commies.

that is fine - highway/power grid is the right example of how this has to be done.

let’s be real here, Starlink paying base is gona be ‘murica primarily.
there is no way in hell non-dev nations will provide that 30b in revenue.
or are you telling me a “nomad in sahara” will be able to afford $1000 for a base station and a monthly $50 bill ?

On my last transatlantic flight I had wifi with no interruptions and I’m pretty sure no strarlink was used.
The freighters use highway system, which is fairly well covered by cell networks and don’t need satellite connectivity either.

Starlink is a waste of resources and nuisance to astronomers.

all it takes is a gov mandate to build fiber lines to all remote areas.
that’s how highway system was built, its not different.
and It’ll be cheaper that space junk that needs to be constantly rebuild as low orbit satellites naturally die fairly quickly.

if its IPA - it suck !
fight me

that’s damn right chinese commusm right there

that dealer is huge with loud mouth adds on TV and radio for best prices and inventory in town....
gosh, those adds make me want to move to another state....

half is better than all, like the germans usually demonstrated with their tiger 1's and over shorter distances...

or mass production of cheap war machines

they meant overengineering them and adding weird parts that’s not really needed.

just a ECM flash and single download

oh yes !!

you know nothin’ john snow” is the only thing I can say to you.

how does  Musk ass taste, asking for a friend 

get off your “white guilt mix with white savior” issues.
white dude’s do not need help freaking locals. Locals need to do their own thing. part of the problems local’s have in those areas because of the “oh we need to help them, cause they can’t help themselves” mentality some people have.

why is it a vanity project ??
why can’t a driving adventure be just that ?
is it because one travels thru un-developed areas or something ?
why not ?

I find Athens and UGA streets too small for pickups of that magnitude

why do you want to slow down easy process and make it untraceable ?

they did, its a rebuild ;)