
I bet you don’t get judged on margins and do not outsource your IT need either , eh ?

any white box will work tho

is there a list of such people or all casting agents supposed to know them from somewhere ?
“everyone knows them” is not an actionable list.
Yes, there are few that are known to all, but smaller names do not have that clout , so - how do you identify them ?

technicalities is what prevents that list of being doable.
Are you gona include “are you a survivor” on the hiring application ?

so why /How are batteries cost gona go down ?
its obvious that if it happens the EV’s prices has to come down, but what shows this miraculous batteries prices ?

Apollo rockets can’t  be built anymore - that’s why all the replacement programs were born. “know-how” on apollo’s is lost.

one can bridge Bering straits and create continuous railroad between americas and eurasia, with enough investment it can be made to allow higher throughput than shipping or at least make it faster than shipping.

Plus in the event of global freeze - it can be extended to haul last survivors in continuous loop around the

the problems you listed are real, but not new. Most of them existed practically forever. What has changed is the whole approach to relationship between parents/children and schools/teachers.
Parents no longer side with teachers in any conflict. child entitlement is rampant. Teacher is not an authority figure anymore.

Asking for a friend - is non-racial based abuse ok this days and only racial abuse is to be fought against ?

are they tho or are you projecting internet/twitter shit to real life ?

so, if one does not accept any of those things, but also find the whole “woke” thing idiotic - what does that leaves us with ?

no, they will just find to overengineer some other component.
electrical shit has many places to be screwed.

its difficult to do any scavenging over large distances on bikes ;)

being influencer is also much more appealing than being a metal worker....
I blame internet, but also CEO’s

there is no reasonable amount of money to make majority of master’s educated people work with today’s children.

this was always an American way.
Immigrants with high education work high tech jobs and third and more generation Americans work sales/marketing,
Un-educated immigrants work fields/manual jobs...


spent all me hacking skillz on elections, can’t hack me way out of greys - help a brother out eh ?

is there a dark overlord who owns rights to “everything piano black” and has some dirt on every car manufacturer, so they have to have that shit in their interiors ???

that’s climate, not gas tax.

guns don’t do any of that. they only provide a tunnel where a bullet can be accelerated