
certain people like to make grim dark photos, that’s all.
Russian landscape is as diverse as US one and cities vary from old charm euro to modern trash to post apocalyptic nightmare...

yeah, but the point is - you can win it all even if you are not from top 2 leagues

their stream quality is bad, specifically for big matches, like copa america final, for example....

Belgrade won champ league in the past :) or was it euro league ?

so, how many manufacturers/jobs have we gotten back due to Trump policies ?

how do you know I’m not a CIA playing KGB ?

you mean like they did during cuban crisis ?

your reading comprehension is bad. Cuba has clinics all over the latin america, where people go to.
Also, communism has never existed yet.
Not a single country you people call communist is even remotely close to what it is supposed to be.
Communism is an idea, which cannot be implemented at the current state of social

yes, let’s go with your anecdotal evidence over known facts.

they are suffering due to US sanctions more than anything else.
Yet, if you ask around latin america and carribean - everyone goes to cuban doctors when they have a chance.

you got numbers and verified links to back that up ?

my definition of vaporware is same as anyone else’s.
this project is not only not finished yet. It has done nothing , except cgi movies.
there are no new announcements since it was introduced couple years back. None.
Please do tell me about this “pace” of yours. Or any real new breakthroughs, not re-use of 60-ties ideas

LOL , this projects is vaporware. and yes - it’ll need power requirements not currently available. 

they did better than Japanese. and japan had much more resources and supposedly better tech.

that only happened on cars which neglected “post sales” adjustments :)
most people fixed their shifters.  none of the people I know had this issues.

it wasn’t, and they smoke about as much as anyone in the west did during those days.

almost no one spoke ukranian at the time of the events shown.
All the people you see in the show spoke russian in real day to day life.
Ukranian language in its current form was manufactured post soviet collapse.

There are people actively working on acquiring money supposedly needed for this, which will be used up with no tangible returns... “fake it till you make it”.
We do not have an energy source or medium to allow any of this.
If we finally manage to make fusion work, which a huge “if” - then maybe something can be

In less than 100 years we might send a probe” is exactly my point - currently we have no ability to travel anywhere, except low earth orbit.
And the whole “probes at 20% of light speed” is pure speculation right now, with NO real ability even remotely close to us.

ANY interstellar travel is far beyond our abilities. ANY.
We cannot go faster then light, we cannot build generational ships, we cannot build ships that can fly for more than few weeks without constant re-supply.