
the driver doesn't speak russian at all. Polish maybe or even Chesh...

so, russians doing military exercises - its evil Putin flexing rusted muscles and all that crap.
US having military bases all around Russia and doing military exercises all over the world almost every month — that's just peace loving and freedom protecting.
You people sure know how to spin....

how exactly do those satellite pictures prove anything ? There are no markings on those vehicles, no identifying landmarks. It could be Russian columns near the border or far from it, or it could be Ukrainian column. Ukraine been beachin' about fightin' and killing thousands of russian GRU spetznaz for last several

chill dude. who am I do tell you Santa doesn't exist.

you did not make it clear. nowhere near it. your whole sentence starts with slavery as the reason. don't they teach basic logic in schools anymore ?

you're factually wrong, North didn't fought South to free slaves, it fought South to keep Union together. Freeing slaves was a novel idea that formed itself almost a year into a war ...
I mean, it was a great idea and all, but not what that war was about originally.

you do know that slavery had nothing to do with start of american civil war, right?

oh you like that, don't ya ??

last time I checked they took those armored thingies from ukranian army, without firing any shots. Sadly, actual shooting started later, when ukranian so called government ordered their troops to shoot at civilians.

yo jimbobway - go fuck yourself

it is legal in Ukraine to buy semi-auto versions of AK you see in the video if you are over age of 23. The APC's in question were used by Ukranian security forces and who's crews surrendered to local militias. They were since returned to the same security forces by the militia. The armed people you see on this and