Ad Hominemator

I don’t think it does sand or some of the granular textures very well, like the clay/brick materials used for plebeian homes in villages.

Played the demo on Switch. May even buy it on Switch, bc I never finished Messenger when it was on Game Pass.

RTS and strategy games' interfaces need severe tweaking for proper controller experiences.

Oh they’ve... gotten... games running? Which ones?

Never gotten it either.

You all realize that their respective community forums/pages will become filled with implicitly softcore pornographic artwork? Rejoice, indeed!

Whenever you do something to a thing or interact with it, in this case posting a photo/gif/video/sound byte (or links to these) on a website, it is treated as media, not content — even if it’s via a platform such as a subreddit.

Judge presiding over this preliminary injunction trial, was appointed by Biden?

It kinda seems everybody else gets the last laugh, as Sarah Bond said MS loses money on xCloud... I doubt they’re gonna be able to be profitable in the cloud business for a long while yet even if the merger happens. Definitely not without more hiccups.

They do have the power, it’s just that it’s predicated on taking too long.

No, the judge ruling in MS favour for this PI case would just stop the FTC's deliberately-long authoritative process from having any teeth. 

It’s toe the line, btw.

I still don’t understand how the FTC needed a preliminary injunction to block the deal?

If you’re having a quarter- life crisis now, you're gonna love what comes after 30... Especially 35. Good luck.

NMS and FO76 may be fixed and more than half way decent now -- even just 2-3 years ago -- but I still doze off when trying them out. Meh.

Rainbow Six Breakpoint? Dang, that mashup sounds awesome.

Ok, so you repeated yourself in the first three paragraphs.... Why? Is every site getting redundant now?

It's only a bad attitude that is stupid fuckin shit. And defeatist, simplistic outlooks tend to generate bad attitudes.

After seeing their post on a Destiny 2 Discord LFG, I helped a frustrated random player with a legendary mission in Lightfall. His mood started out affably, actually, and we got to chatting a little bit and the guy spat out the N-word against our AI enemies in a moment of vexation. I’m immediately brought back to a

I actually never got to finish it. Was probably on the last level from the way the story was heating up. Played it on Game Pass PC at the last minute and a wintry power outage took us out for a night and day, lol.