Ad Hominemator

I got everything like 15 months ago but haven’t had the time (and sometimes the spare change) to play for more than a couple of months, spread out. Barely done ARR base campaign, lol. Probably should've waited for this kind of sale and after I was done with Destiny 2.

AFAIK they meant their intent was to cease with psycho horror after finishing Silent Hill 2 Remake.

The problem altogether is genre theory - everybody’s got their own take (and that’ll never not be annoying), and video games tend to differentiate their genre from another on gameplay design, even within the same family.... Except the horror family. “Horror” doesn’t really describe the gameplay nor the differences

They've improved yes

Blaj blah, this really isn't about whataboutism from anybody. They all deserve to complain... To each other. None of us should've enabled or single out any of them (and we did, and you are too).

No, it's Nintendo's, Sega's and probably Atari's fault 

Don’t reiterate points or whatever. I’m pointing out possible misconceptions for nuance. Not a good look when people do what you do.

The people of/on TikTok know about any of these games? Thought they were all babies and celebrities. /sarcasm

Just so you know, that style of remark is part of why us POC activists are getting flak from skeptics and anti-leftist critics. They’re using our scorn as evidence of hypocritical (reactive) or original (aggressor) intolerance, despite the fact that intolerance in general does beget a scornful response.

The perp is talking about the initial the intent when they had their door confrontation, not the intent she had when she pulled her gun’s trigger.

So they had to scavenge themselves, I guess....... Ok ok.

Except for the last name... I bet ZZ has had trouble with other people pronouncing it, like I have with mine — and mine is also relatively short and just two syllables.

The problem is the million other CoD / Battle Royale “clones” coming out in the next little while. I can’t even remember the name of the one that struck my fancy, bc it’s all melding together... all I remember is that you and/or your team has to carry a macguffin to a POI to win points or something.

Am I the only one who doesn’t actually dig Clive himself or am compelled to listen to a few of those other NPCs you can see in the demo and previews?

Why does it seem that way, bc of pretty, bombastic cutscenes interwoven with intrigue drawn from GoT inspiration and topped off with Yet Another Medieval Theme? If it weren’t for the drastic combat and party design (which itself was actually innovated in FFXV before a final patch allowed all 3 companions to be

Honestly... Who cares about all that really? If it’s good, great. If it isn’t, how does that REALLY stop you from PLAYING in that world?

I am of the opinion that such games must marry or interweave “story” and gameplay (whatever you think gameplay means, expand upon that).

No, you need to be very specific when talking about story, characters and world. A story is a sequence of events - and that was actually fine in FFXV.

A story is only at its best just once!

Content is akin to ingredients. Think about what you do with those and how, next time you have an inclination to say "generating content."