Ad Hominemator

You're assuming that merchandising and marketing teams always have a tight pipeline of communication with media production teams (studios), but having worked with bigger companies it's just as likely that the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing.

You folks gotta calibrate your screens or accept the reality of your overstressed / aged rod/cone cells in your eyes!

Well, we know who Manny Jacinto is now... But I think we’re letting his character on The Good Place colour our outlook of him, lol. That guy defo wasn't deep.

They’re not Nightsisters, unless they were exiled from Dathomir. Even then, pre-Filoni, in the book they debuted in (“The Courtship of Princess Leia”), Nightsisters were but one faction of the Dathomiri Witches.

I'm here now, let's eat.

What about Oppo Rancisis? 

The HR takes place over a few hundred years, so they'd need to keep coming up with excuses as to Yoda's whereabouts.

Except it would probably cost half a million to animate Yoda doing that, lol

No. And not even GL keeps passage-of-time, aging or general timeline issues intact.


EIGHLEY is a figurehead at best (even the author says as much). Figureheads don’t do anything and don’t have to do anything. So what’s Zwiesen’s problem, really — a sore misunderstanding of what’s what?

There is something seriously wrong with your commenting API. I'm getting extreme glitches. No, it's not my phone.

But what about the lack of visible water currents?!?!? That must be fixed asap! Lol

I was 10 when 7 came out in Canada, and that shit blew me away. Was 11 when I actually played it on PC the following year. Nothing like the first time!

Internet -> Web.

I always thought Blu-ray, DVDs, VHS, Beta Max and film reel were the physical formats of the *movie* medium itself... Guess the terms are relative and even unused these days (whole units of works/productions - a full thing unto itself - are being called "content" now, unequivocally and without the relative context of

No. There are far more overused hairstyles that aren’t black-ish in anyway whatsoever. The statistics need to favour some of this rarer stuff for a while to help build variety.


Classics are already considered iconic and whatever synonyms AREN'T being used bc "iconic" is, well, iconic.

F-Zero 99 is surprisingly good - and popular - on Switch Online.