Ah yes, another comment too late to the party.
Ah yes, another comment too late to the party.
No, that would be tangential at best and coincidental at worst — and strange use of the perpendicular word.
I agree with you but there are bigger problems with the show: the pomp from Keighley (who is both headman and host, which says a lot by itself), over-stressing and over-promotion of trailers, wonky award categories (especially poor understanding of genre, lazily clumping action games together, for instance), truncated…
Guy, everybody in the biz - even presenters like Greg Miller - dresses like college bums. It gives a bad cherry on top to the already-unprofessional reputation that their workplaces have, at least to outsiders (turns out that is unprofessionalism is rampant these days... nowhere are people treated classy, at least in…
Hades was in Early Access for two years (one year on Steam). Their development cycle was very different and had a LOT of refinement from customer feedback, hence, they benefited from time compounding (which is the principle organizers try to lean on when hiring a bunch of people to throw at a problem).
Ha, figured this wouldn't meet approval. Wonder if it was even read by mods.
Your comment indirectly helps suggest that the original poster’s life experience life is lacking... Or maybe that there’s a generational gap and they just didn’t recognize the tone of the article from its witty title?
Great, now do the other departments and whole other branches altogether!
One day, when there are multiple playable characters in a campaign... They will make you pay for the ones you didn’t select first.
We are not called the internet.
Good, about time US corpos realize they can't do whatever they want on our soils.
FO76: 13M sales IS niche out of a hundred million console gamers, especially in a pseudo-genre that is much derided (Live Service).
Yes... Star Wars becoming an incoherent mess. /S
Neo Noir in Andor? And 1975? More like music from “early 80s” with chromatic aberration from what people think were characteristic of “ ’80s” Blockbusters, 20-30 years later. The anachronism of future retroism or retro futurism?
You may want to look up how old the voice actors for Bart and Lisa Simpson were, when they got hired, and then add 30+ years for today's ages.
Really, all they need to do is hire a separate person to be the face/body model, though the body dimensions should closely match the person doing mocap for the character (I suppose the face, too)... if aged looks are a concern. Capcom does this all the time in games using the RE Engine, whenever they hire pretty or…
Reviews? I don’t even look at those until launch day, minimum. But I guess they're not really the topic here, anyway.
Downtime? At work? You mean lunch break? Lol /s
Oh cool, a third-party niche exclusive. Those tend to be tragically interesting.