Ad Hominemator

Let’s see if we hear more, soon?

I was wondering why I didn't like the OST nearly as much as its predecessor.

Also, as an addendum to my last comment - which I can’t be bothered to find - both the recounting and the recollection of histories are skewed. Trying to be historically accurate is folly - better to be precise (consistent), but a fantastical setting does not have to conform to history... At all.

Yeah, but not only were there pockets of people “of colour” (notice the spelling at various stages of Europe’s ~5000 year development, but Europeans and non-European Caucasian folks made their way - in one way or another - to other continents long before they planted flags on the ‘Murican continents. According to

Maybe you should try gaming in a country or geographical region where the proverbial pipeline for it is weak (like northern coastal countries of South America not having support for, say, Xbox services) before you speak about what is a pain in the ass.

You cannot speak to what is widespread without formal research.

Had it from the beginning.

Apples and Oranges have NEVER been a good analogy, but I take your point, though it’s not particularly strong. Literary atmospherics and themes have less bearing on the formatting choices Remedy took to showcase the filmed & FMV CGI cutscenes in the game — though it’s truer indeed from the narrative (lore)

Did you ever consider that they don't like the joke, and have had previous issues with jackass co-workers that'll perpetually need to be called out?

Not an RPG....?

Maybe, in S3 finale, Vilgefortz will beat up Geralt so senselessly that his face won’t heal the same way -- voila, queue Liam Hemsworth. I'm sure their writers will find an artistically licensed way of rationalising the change 

I’m replaying Control on PC, and that is the optimal way to merge gameplay and movie/TV filming.

“... Has the *internet* in a chokehold”

Ppl have the cards already....

How Long to Beat doesn’t give a good indication for what YOU might be able to do - that’s only true if YOU know where you stand in relation to the arbitrary capabilities of others. Otherwise, all it does is paint a picture of other people’s play histories, which means bubkiss to anyone else not described here.

Could be worse, I won't even be in a continent that has a decent connection to the xCloud servers to play Sable, which has also been on my list for a year.

That's aggregated data from an untested sample size.

Please stop pushing the early 2022 dry spell narrative.

Guardians of the Galaxy was to me the best title they published last year, easily. Might even be my 2021 pick. Shame.

Never heard of them, and I've seen a lot over 16 years on YT.