Ad Hominemator

They lower the floor, not the ceiling. It’s precisely because they can’t lower skill ceilings that basic modes will eventually disadvantage you.

Large groups of people should be denigrated when their common sayings incline towards stupidity, but this particular topic isn't such a case.

You’re sounding like a reverse ageist, lol.

I’m 35.33 years old (yes I’m precise), a proper Millennial, and this control scheme could very well make me feel like I don’t have anything left to prove to anyone, anymore. I’ve beaten others and been beaten by them while doing things the proper way, or the hard way. I’ve gone against people half my age and still

These games always make it clear to me that Western & Chinese/Asian people would rather have their avatars f*ck green orcs and horned/horny aliens than they would any dark(er)-skinned homo sapiens (unless the person is a medium/dark-skinned latina).

Oh yeah, for sure. For myself, the first time I left a long-term job of many years when I was in my twenties, was not because I wanted to leave but because I had to (mutual termination, long story). Was really hard to bounce back and maybe that partially guides me not wanting to stay anywhere too long and wear out my

Yup, I thought all those underwater hallways were obviously ripped out of JFO. The whole underwater stealth approach to get in was inspired by the game too.

I know of a Coleman Trebor, who was shot down rather easily in AOTC.

Whoa, they poached a bunch of staff from Gamespot?

How long did you spend at corporate? In my previous experiences, I built myself up and poured my all into whatever projects I could get over a period of 3-5 years (give or take a few years at most), then used those experiences as an audition for a lateral transition or promotion somewhere else. Doing that keeps one

Bruv, you and I both know digital stores sell it for less than half off more often than not, as early as last summer or before.

The closest EB Games location to my home has shut down. Must’ve happened sometime earlier in the year, maybe even a month or two ago. Think another local one closed down, not too far from where I used to work. TBH, there’s just too many in my area of the suburbs and the closest midtown region along my corridor of

I’m there with you. They seemed to add a counter/parry system but the pacing/rhythm looks slower than any SF game to date.

I'll go and make a mess of that Tweet chain, after work tonight, and maybe you can see how gangsta Libtards really are. What a bore.

What is “quite a while?” A month? Less?

Spelling armour the correct way and in possession of an awesome username. I tip my hat to you.

Were these others asleep during the first quarter or third of 2022? GOTG? Death’s Door? Tunic? Didn’t Hitman’s trilogy come out for GP in January or so? Norco might’ve come out for PC GP this year too.

What’s the deal with literally nobody ever using a synonym for “seemingly,” in this business? Is this conspiracy or coincidence? Should I play the lotto?

*ahem* Geyrophobia, Halo 1

Even though I don’t give a rat’s butt about who to side with on team drama - or the team franchises themselves - it’s pretty heavily implied that eUnited management has yet to pick a place to land.