Ad Hominemator

This game’s exclusive existence is made all the more bizarre now that Squex kept Outriders (but dissolved their other Western assets), indirectly for the larger ostensible purpose of permanently whoring itself out to Sony. Sony has said they want like 10 Live Service games by 2024-25, but seriously, are they just

I’m still playing the copy I bought 10 months ago. Not my favourite Plat game, at times, but definitely its most unique.

Speaking of PvE, I’d like them to do experimental modifiers for the PvE missions, like a mode with limited ammo (but ammo drop/replenishment mechanic) with higher damage/AoE to compensate.

Frustrated over lack of updates? I think that there were disparate camps disagreeing, in their own ways, with the updates. So there was dissatisfaction despite the game's live management, rather than due to absence of it.

I don’t think that’s just quite what they had meant, but I’ll take your word for it, as my interpretation makes no meaningful difference anyway. Still, we should’ve let OW1 and 2 exist together in some way.

This should’ve been immediately obvious since it was downloaded as a “small” game; effectively no bigger than a super sized patch of ~13GB, ostensibly making use of assets from the base game OW1 (iirc the Battlenet launcher downloads the beta to the same directory).

Since this article was posted, Blizz updated OW2 beta to feature open queue (which was a few days ago). I love it, as it opens up the game like old Overwatch 1 QP (or some of the current Arcade modes) and also allows for new team comps (like 2-1-2 tank-dps-heal) to be bask in glory.

oh ok, yeah I totally misinterpreted your comment

Yup, Baptiste is very suited with his DPS hybridisation. He even neutralizes Reinhardt’s attempts at smashing down the backline. 

Sirslud is correct in feeling this way. Most of community’s “streamers” aren’t speedrunning a game, and they’re supposed to be treated as AN EXTRA boon for a game’s upkeep, not the quintessential one.

For the first half of this article — people whinging about changes they weren’t involved with — I couldn’t help but think, “Great, now you know how I’ve felt about everything for years.” Can’t play with your friends? Check. Can’t do a cool trick or a skill removed or tweaked unnecessarily radically? Check. Consistent

Doomfist has a different rhythm now. Instead of flanking, he’ll dive right in on a frontal assault, knock back a key target or an unlucky clump, then back away whilst guarding. When on point, diving right “behind” them and later backing away to a healing corridor works (as he can restrict the movement of the enemy

I’ve actually done very well solo tanking with WB on King’s Row, Eichenwalde, and maybe somewhere else. It’s all about hit and run, proper shield timing, and catching them by surprise around corners - or just intimidating them off of a point with good shooting and randomized rolls.

It’s funny though, in one or two matches I held my own as Bap alternately against Sojourn or Reaper, even beating each one a few times. This happened so naturally, and I seem to remember a few occasions of being able to do that in OW1 - most 1v1 situations for support (against DPS) had been certainly with dire

It’s more of the opposite for me. The one less player per team opens up old maps and let’s offensive players - particularly “DPS” (who have ALL finally earned that title now) - chase and veer off too much, hopping all over the place.

Uh, tanks feel like bullet sponge powerhouses compared to what they were before. Everytime I played one right and had a decent team, I almost didn’t die at all. So far my steam rolling has been done on every tank except maybe Rein (ironic, since he's my most played tank).

I think it will, especially now with the way things went in early/mid season 1. Business changes and so do the people involved on all ends.

There is nothing to give up on. What we actually have is not dogshit, so there's no problem.

Just literally say so. "We do not have an ETD for these projects; please pace yourselves accordingly."

They hadn’t actually promised much tbw, that was the problem: communication.