Reality Project

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuck iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, Nazi fucks.

If it is a scheduled C-section why relocate? You already know when it is happening, you just show up and the rest is taken care of. But, I digress

This is still tragic. I know he was a “bad guy”, but that doesn’t make this any less sad.

I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.

Maybe they sang it because they know those republicans just signed their pink slips. There’s no getting re elected after this.

• “Can we smoke in here?”

Jeter saying “We need to make sure the game stays pure,” while A-Rod is forced to smile uncomfortably is the sweetest revenge.

They might stand a chance if they stop working together. Otherwise, less than 2 years through the very public divorce. Prenup? Who is worth more?

They’re both so insufferable. I wondered how they stayed married to other people all of those years. At one point, they were calling each other “Mommy” and “Daddy.” No way in hell would I be happy with my spouse behaving that way with their co-worker. Their divorce will be a shit show of epic proportions.

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright

Please tell me we’re not going to see this image over and over and over again as some sort of proof of god and his goodness and the strength of his will and bla bla bla ....

I think that the Jazz could consider themselves having a brilliant season if they somehow manage to push the Warriors to 6 games.

so, what you are saying is, there’s a chance?

So they let the GM run the draft which will presumably dictate the shape of the franchise over the next few years, and promptly fire him immediately afterwards so that some other guy can take over the GM duties with both players and a coach he hasn’t picked?

They say when you hear hooves think horses not zebras, and I feel like hmmm a successful black woman, mistakenly reported for years to be Muslim, responsible for making legal decisions that have surely pissed people off in the past, found dead during a time where racially motivated crime is on the rise.... I’m no

Right after she died all the headlines said she was muslim, but the local NY news clarified that while her husband was muslim, She never identified her self as such. At first I thought, this is just another case of people judging by the name etc. Then I saw the family suicide news, and thought, how sad, that poor

I generally side with photographers (and writers and freelancers in the arts who generally get screwed by clients) but street photos/paparazzi have always been confusing to me. If I didn’t give you permission to take my picture but you take it anyway, and then I find it and like it so I post it, you can sue me for

her lipstick in that top picture is hideous. jesus. also it looks like they missed a spot applying it?

as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.