Hey, North Carolina GOP: if Clarence Thomas thinks you are racist motherfuckers, you are definitely, indubitably, 100 percent racist motherfuckers.
Hey, North Carolina GOP: if Clarence Thomas thinks you are racist motherfuckers, you are definitely, indubitably, 100 percent racist motherfuckers.
Watched it last nite not realizing PBS’s “Dark Angel” was on. De Niro really captured what an insufferable prick Madoff was, altho I had to wonder how much of a stretch it was.
This is nothing short of horrifying. CBS needs to fucking stop.
I intentionally waited until my mid-30s to get married and have a kid. I spent my 20s being poor, doing awesome internships, dating, living abroad, and taking jobs that were incompatible with having a family. Plus I got to see a lot of relationships implode so I could see the red flags long before I got emotionally…
I will give anything Shonda does at least one shot. Because that woman can do some TV magic.
Finally it? It was finally it when the pussy-grabbing statement on video came out. It was finally it when Trump was being peed on by Russian hookers. It was finally it when Spicer started giving fake inauguration numbers, white supremacists in the plural were running around the National Security Council, and…
I’m getting pissed because the GOP spin is slowly turning into “If this is obstruction Comey is complicit...”
This investigation may take awhile. In the meantime lets take the house, and when they finally impeach Trump & Pence, we’ll get president Pelosi.
YUP. As much as I hate the idea of a President Pence, I want nothing more than to see Donald Trump and his garbage family get kicked the fuck out of the White House. I want it like Gollum wants his Precious.
I’ll believe it when I see it. The only 100% true thing Trump has ever said is that he could shoot someone in the middle of the street in broad daylight and not lose a single supporter. Even if it means he’s gone, then we’re stuck with Pence, and we just switch dystopias from The Purge to The Handmaid’s Tale.
It’ll take time but it does appear to be accelerating. Going to take time to chip away at his cult of personality.
It’s going to be really hard for Pence to prove he wasn’t a part of this if shit truly does go down. Especially when you’ve got Sessions lying under oath about Kislyak and can put several members of the Trump campaign with Russians while they were at the RNC.
I don’t think President Pence is particularly well acquainted with the concept of “liberty.”
Is this finally it??? Can this please be the beginning of the end? I’m totally dying for the day the universe rights itself and this orange fuckhead gets the boot. Then I go the closest bar I can find, drop $20 in the jukebox, play “FDT” on repeat, and proceed to get sloshed in the name of sweet, sweet liberty.
Pretty Blonde Lady Upset To Learn That Rules Also Apply To Her
Frankly, I actually agree with this. Giving her a WC would solely be for promotional purposes, so shouldn’t we celebrate this as keeping integrity to the game?
This is a bizarre thought to me. It’s not sanctimony. They’re just saying you don’t get preferential treatment. She lost all her points and now she has to start anew. That’s the punishment. It’s up to the tournament organizers whether to let her in or not. Telling someone to qualify on their own next year, we…
“she served her punishment” would be a fine argument if she were being unfairly punished, but the article’s complaint is that Sharapova is being punished because she’s not receiving preferential treatment, an absurd leap to make.
Sharapova doesn’t deserve a wildcard. You wrote yourself two weeks ago that the reason the French Open would give her a wildcard was to “cash in on Sharapova’s slightly bruised popularity” during her “ controversial redemption tour.”
She’ll miss it because she’s currently ranked 211 in the world and doesn’t automatically qualify. I don’t see the problem with denying her a spot if she doesn’t have the points to qualify. If she had the points to qualify and they still denied her because of her doping past, that’s a problem. “Because she’s a star”…