What did Tina and Amy do?
What did Tina and Amy do?
Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.
It kills me that Larry lost his show and Bill will probably have his until he dies or retries. Television viewers have no taste.
Well, at least Larry Wilmore was there to (verbally) smack him around like the bitch he is.....
It was a disheartening interview, but even Bill jumped onto the fuck-Milo train in the Overtime segment posted to YouTube. It’s especially worth a watch to see Larry Wilmore and Malcom Nance take Milo down, showing the man-child is clearly in over his head.
That assumes the child is making an actual choice and not being manipulated by one parent. In an ideal world sure. But if the parent or parents are manipulators it’s not really the child’s choice.
I’m not sure those folks know the difference between news and opinion. Like, they put creationism and evolution on the same plane too. It’s baffling for anyone with, um, more critical cognitive skills.
Especially since Van Jones and Ana Navarro are pundits, not reporters. Navarro is clearly in the Republican establishment and Van Jones is on the left. They’re supposed to hate Trump. That’s their fucking job.
I feel like it’s telling that he’s highlighting Van Jones and Ana Navarro considering some of the most wtf? moments for this administration have been Kellyanne’s interviews with Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper. And it’s not like Cooper or Tapper have treated Trump with kid gloves.
This. Going to a movie isn’t cheap anymore. There are no $5 matinees anymore, honestly there are no more matinees period. It’s $14 - $17 a pop for one person not counting overpriced popcorn and snacks.
same. I’m not paying 15 bucks each for anything that will look just as good at home. i only go to the movies if the movie requires the hardware in the theatre to look/sound it’s best. if it was 5-9 bucks a throw, i’d go all the time, like i used to in the 90s!
I haven’t been to the movies without my sons in years (hubby hates the movie theater, kids love it and so they get the bulk of the movie going dollars). I am absolutely missing out and really want to see Moonlight. I almost had them talked into Hidden Figures last weekend and then they realized Lego Batman was out,…
People aren’t seeing movies because they’ve become too expensive. In NYC, I pay on average, $15.00 a ticket. More if it’s in 3d or RPX or whatever tacked on nonsense charge. It’s a minimum of $50.00 just to sit down with my wife and kid. I enjoy going to the movies, but many people don’t have the luxury of ponying up…
Exactly - there is already a prize for “most popular movie”, and it’s box office cash. They don’t need a statuette as much as the actually-interesting stuff that is enjoyed more by the enthusiasts.
Chaffetz is one of the most spineless, worthless, cowardly motherfuckers in the GOP today. He should be ashamed of himself and his weasely face. Ugh.
How old are you? Mariah in her prime could sing circles around Beyonce. She’s a showoff, and that whistle-register shit gets real old real quick, but really an incredible singer.
I kind of like tomatoes, but tomato juice makes me gag. What you just said is basically, “Even though tomato juice makes you gag, you have to admit it’s really good.” Nope.
As a 40-year-old straight, white dude, you also could qualify as one of the dozens of people who write all her music.
Aretha is still alive