Reality Project

One of my dearest friends has used it to step down from smoking after having a terrible, invasive luckily life saving surgery. He had an x-ray as a precaution after an around the house accident; it uncovered a contained tumor that was likely tied to his 25+ years of smoking. He was pretty scared and used the incident

I think it’s as the article suggested - most people with vapes probably use them for weed. Those people you see around outside smoking the sickly sweet nicotine liquids probs are quitting if adults. Or using it for the convenience/freedom of not having to smoke in designated areas.

I don’t get vaping. On the one hand, it doesn’t have that old-school killing-yourself-and-those-around-you-slowly coolness, but on the other hand the smoke is always way too sickly sweet and the people who do it are smug about it.

I’m not surprised. It has pieces of walnut shells. It was the only scrub I could find in Amman, and, so every time I use it, now, I get a hit of sandstorm and tea with anise.

I’ve made to my mid-forties without trying pot despite going to a hippie liberal arts college. That may change with this administration as my liver is getting PISSED OFF.


This will be life under Trump. You think half the population is delusional *now*?

Very kind of the sunshine.

I think you can becuase I just did.

That’s exactly what I said when I heard; grief and emotional stress can absolutely cause a stroke, especially in people who are already vulnerable to one (and apparently she’d had a few small ones before).

No question. That and her system was already compromised by two previous strokes.

I am convinced that Debbie Reynolds died of a broken heart. My heart goes out to Billie and Todd-I cannot even fathom what they’re going through right now.

Wait so are like... the poor people of Calabasas just middle class? Is that who she is donating meals too. LOL.

70 is pretty old, especially for a guy who at least dabbled in ALL the drugs.

Oh good the old bait and switch.

Almost any movie with bad reviews can still make money, but not Oscar Bait. Some of the most profitable movies of the last decade were absolutely torn to shreds by critics, but the public didn’t care. It’s only when your movie seems pretentious or serious or emotionally manipulative that people really take into

Like Djimon Hounsou in that laughably bad Tarzan movie

Will Smith needs to go back to making quality movies. Like Hitch and Hancock.

I feel like she basically ran out of material. I really enjoyed Schumer Season 1. Since then... nothing fresh.