Secretary of the Navy because... water?
Secretary of the Navy because... water?
2016 is the gift that keeps on fucking us over, even into the next year.
When is this guy getting a cabinet position in the Trump administration?
Is it just me, or is Kayla’s caption just a total “Oops, don’t know how this happened”?
I don’t think it’s as much of a race thing as “awkward superfan trying not to fuck up in front of their idols” kind of thing. He obviously has rhythm and a pretty good singing voice - this is what made the segment work. It’s the shtick of trying-too-hard at something that obviously doesn’t come naturally to him that’s…
His tribute to Amy Winehouse, singing Valerie on some awards show, is one of the best things I’ve experienced in my life. So much greatness!
I think he was performing at the Super Bowl one year and my super cynical father took a moment from bashing whatever it was he was bashing and stared at the screen in silence for the the remainder of his performance. When Bruno was done, all my dad said was, “wow, that guy is talented”.
So far this week I have lost a co-worker, my old boss who helped me become an actual adult and now one of my tv dads
Related: their lawyers are makng f-ng bank.
I hope that he DOES KNOW that his tweets help crater stocks.
If Trump was actually conspiring with the Russians to weaken our international standing while simultaneously undermining public faith in all our important institutions, what exactly would he be doing differently?
They’re psyched to build sand castles on the deck of the Titanic. They never really wanted a functioning democracy in the first place- it was all about creative destruction for them
I wonder how all those “Never Clinton” folks feel about her now.
I totally forgot about his cancer diagnosis! Geez - exploding popularity, cancer diagnosis and treatment and recovery, AND a new baby? I’m not surprised that things took a poor turn.
Did the photographer intentionally capture Tarek mid-flatus?
In the post President-Elect Cheeto world, HGTV is one of the few things that make me feel safe and entertained-while-simultaneously-bored enough to sleep. Why, Jezebel, do you insist on running seemingly weekly articles about how it’s all lies, everyone secretly hates each other and/or gay people, and everything is…
I don’t see why they don’t just budget in the ‘upgrades’ when they do the walk-through with the contractors. That always annoys me.
Every time they use the same tile in the kitchen AND in the bathroom I want to barf. I need different tile for cutting strawberries than the tile I look at while on la toilette .
it was her voice, wasn’t it? After eight years, that pistol would look tasty to me too.