Reality And Other Falsehoods

Oh yeah, me too. I was nine, so how could I not love that movie? But now that its been pointed out to me, I’m like, “wait a minute...” This does look good though!

They existed back then?!

You know what’s bullshit? How they could plug any laptop into an alien computer. What cord did they use?

Soooo... it happens on the 4th of July? Again?


I bought it ‘cuz it was dirt cheap. Haven’t played it yet. The descent into Hell is what sold me. I mean, I assume that’s what goes on. I know it won’t be my favourite game, it’ll be like a popcorn movie game equivalent.

And if they have a seltzer deliveryman, they probably wear knickerbockers that they bought at the haberdasher and wax their mustaches.

And how do you make taters???

“Is that a bomb in your backpack or are you just happy to see me, hehehehehe!

Go. To. Hell.

Jessica Biel and Megan Fox, wearin’ nothin’ but their socks, is all I really want for Christmas this year.

Now playing

The French had it right when they had their Revolution. People are starving? Lop off their heads and shift the paradigm. Today, or, in 1896, we let the tycoons and politicians live. But, as long as they “promise” to try to try to change... sometime within the next 84 years... we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Hey can you tell me what that Lady Gaga is? Is that a band... or a soda, or a store, or one of those terms like “donkey punch?”

THANK YOU. He was probably distracted by his dick having sex again to do his job.

“Yeah, I’ve been workin’ out, I’m huge!

There’s something... “up” with him, isn’t there...

I’m good, thanks.