Reality And Other Falsehoods

Is there a mod yet that’ll make Lydia a companion?

I see why they gave him a mask... eesh. Looks like the kinda guy who’d shoot up an army base.

What’s the biggest non-MMO game map?

This seems like a great idea.

If they put armor nipples above his eyes, then you can be concerned.

You can’t be an old lad.

Funny how 60s Batman’s eye holes are oriented that way, which contrasts with the expression of the eyebrows. Like, are you happy or angry?!

I know nothing of substance about Superman. I’m not even big on comics, or superheroes. I’ve always been partial to Batman, however. Heck, even I read Killing Joke. Of course, I really enjoyed The Dark Knight, because of Ledger. But this trailer... wow. Was I ever sold on this dude as Superman. Even Douche Affleck

-Have you seen Krull?

She... did not... age well...

On or off?

Vagina dentata...

GAH! I came here to make that joke! $%&@#!!!

Cereal: The final thing I eat before leaving for work. These are the voyages of the crunchy bits and colourful marshmallows that I lift to my mouth. Its continuing mission: To explore strange new flavours and give me energy before making me crash at my desk. To seek out new sugary cereals and eventually give me

I used to pretend my spoon was the Enterprise.

Having her on board don’t hurt none either... rrrRRRrrr...

I hated his hilt. Looked like a penis.

I’m making a promise to myself not to be working at a theatre by the time episode VIII comes out... For Thursday, I’m actually considering bringing a flask to work.

“Noby Noby Boy!!!”

Grind them up into powder, otherwise, it isn’t going to catch on. Don’t tell me “well, poor people eat them!” That’s because they have no other choice. No one would eat a bug if they didn’t have to.