
Seat side, but for a different reason - The more electronics you have in the door, the more prone it is to breakage and the more difficult a door is to take apart and repair. Then again, I was daily driving a car as late as 2017 with crank windows. When the controls are on the side of the seat everything is local to

fajitas and beer then :)

I’ll have what he’s having. 

im going with bottas stays for at least one more year

“And I hope we never have to do it again.”

1. The only way to make a pit stop completely safe is to have autonomous cars and robot pit crew. Anything else and you’re inviting a certain amount of risk and I believe they are currently at an appropriate risk level (just my opinion).

Ironic, considering Red Bull has had the most reliable pit stop job. CMIIW the last time Red Bull had a loose wheel was in 2013 Nurburgring. Meanwhile McLaren had two wheel related unsafe releases in 2019.

it was mercedes that complained because they ignored improving their pit stops because they had a second a lap faster car and didn’t need them.

now that they need them, suddenly red bull is “cheating”

bullshit. red bull has not had _one_ unsafe release in 2 years. you know who have had unsafe releases? all the teams not

4th: there’s nothing more aggravating than someone at a busy gas station who leaves the car at the pump to go inside and do a little shopping (especially at Sheetz where you can order food). But at least it’s typically only a few minutes. Now imagine having to wait 20 minutes to charge the car, and the car ahead of

I’m not saying that at all. I am saying that while not everyone has to like F&F. They do have to avoid looking down their noses at people who find them entertaining.  

A long time ago in Earth years, but only a little over a year ago in Saturn years.

A lot of people in the comments here are way to good for some dumb entertainment. They also know all the movies they’ve never watched are awful and everyone who watches them must be similarly dumb to want to watch them.

Another ‘hot-take’ about the absurdity of the Fast and the Furious franchise. Yes - we all get it - it’s silly, absurd, trivial entertainment. But it’s also fun, light hearted and escapist fiction. Which is something we desperately need right now.

By the metrics and KPI’s cars today are better than they ever have been. There’s mountains of evidence to support this claim. A Toyota Camry is faster around a race circuit than a bedroom poster 80's Ferrari, and some bone stock pickup trucks are faster down the drag strip than the fastest Muscle Cars of the 70's.

Wait, so what you’re telling me is that the fourth hand signal that my old man uses all the time isn’t an official one?

Also, anyone involved reserves the right for the middle armrests to be placed down.

Once upon a time, I sat next to a total stranger on an airplane. Without any conversation with us, somehow naturally it worked out that we shared the armrest, me taking the front half while her elbow used the rear half.

A 10 year old Outback is 20k!!? 

Is “Pimp My Ride” still a thing. Would love to see Xzibit throw 43 TVs and a low rider kit onto a Rolls Royce.