
Liam Neeson and Brian Tyree Henry were both in Steve McQueen’s WIDOWS. They didn’t share scenes but I wonder if they got to know each other and that’s the key to why Neeson would trust playing such an incendiary version of himself. The turn halfway through his scene was jaw-dropping, turning what I thought was a

That exchange really moved me. It reminded me of the conversation Alfred has with the ghost of his mom in episode 8 of the second season. Maybe this Lorraine character we see, her spirit or her outlook on certain things mirrors Alfred’s actual mother. She admits to hating rappers early on when they first encounter

And you can hear those people in the background saying the same dialogue that Al and Darius said as they walked by the first time. Definitely a fun little time loop thing happening there.

Are we supposed to doubt Earn? My read on the ending was far less cynical than the review’s. And it is in part, because Earn has become a better manager. Here, Al just went on an oddessy where his pixie dream guide had him doubting everything about who he is and what he’s got, and in the end when he projects those

he collapses in a doorway, a mirror of the guy in the Goofy hat from the earlier scene”-

- What happened to Al’s purple hat? I was distressed after the swap in the museum to the Goofy shit.

it’s not just the music industry but every white dominant space that Black and non-white folks have to move through.

The moment at the end when Al ask Earn where was Lorraine. And Earn, quizzically says, your Mother? I think that’s worth noting as another well written twist.

You completely missed the fact that the wife was carrying Telfar bag. Telfar is a higher-end purse/bag brand created by a Black man for Black women who didn’t have exclusivity to our own mid-luxury brands.

Not that this is the intention...but maybe the whole idea of being in foreign territory for our main 4some is why we are getting anthology episodes.
The sense of alienation with these side stories where we, the audience, are now outside our comfort zone, are doing our best to find theAtlanta” vibe we can recognize

Aggressive drunk slacker becomes notably successful with a fabulous beer business. (I’m pretty sure fazzo isn’t real slang, but it very easily could be).

In the “wine down” after-show, Issa Rae referred to this season as akin to season two of the Wire, and...yeah, I can definitely see that. It was uneven, and too short. It was a transition season to get us to the “real” stuff in the next season. Like, the episodes with Daniel, while necessary, I guess, were...also unnec

Issa pretty much said that in the wine down (or whatever it’s called) that aired after the episodes. This season was putting all the pieces in place for the events of next season. And I can’t wait, I hope they don’t wait a year to come back.

I posted on Reddit too:

I love this review. Thanks, Ashley. I love that the couch was a metaphor for Issa essentially being lost, and until you mentioned it, I had not really focused on it. Issa found her couch finally and was loving it with her little drink, looking at her new space and that beautiful smile of hers at the end. It was a

Favorite line of the night (yelled at Lawrence) “You ain’t a window, n*gga!”

I love this show, and I’m already looking forward to the next season. Having said that, I know it’s been said before, but this season felt really imbalanced and uneven in pace and plot choices. I agree that there was too much Daniel for no real consequences to the story - and not enough Kelli and Tiffany. Some things f

The show’s biggest success of this season is how they manipulated the viewers’ feelings about Lawrence. I was upset to see him “axed” when the trailer came out but ok with it by the time season started and then genuinely feeling, “Bye, Lawrence” when Nathan and Issa skinny dipped which lead to, “Oh, shit, no, why the

I don’t know what it was about this season, but even though I thought most of the episodes were good to excellent and Molly and Isa showed some growth It just felt like the prelude to a season to me. Maybe I just don’t want to wait a long time for more episodes, but I really feel like they were really just warming up

Damnit, AV Club, I was all ready for a fight and you went and put the Good Place, the best television series of the year, in first place. I can’t argue with this. This show is amazing because it gets little details right and doesn’t try to drag out mysteries for 20 episodes. It deserved to win on the “Jason figured it