
This woman was at work. A women out in a social setting probably has different expectations for her interactions with men so flirting may not be unwelcome.

As a guy, it seems to me like there’s a VAST expanse between “never make an advance” and “grab her body” for alternate methods of signalling attraction.

The thing about the behavior of both of these men, and many others who behave this way is that they were not legitimately looking to initiate the start of a relationship. They were acting out their own desires with every woman they wished without regard to the feelings or desires of the actual women. This isn’t

Because it’s not really about Russell. This is alllllllll about Ciara Princess Harris and other people being insecure and needing therapy.

There are two camps of men who see Ciara as damaged goods for different reasons.

Camp A: These are the Futures of the world. Ciara was supposed to get pumped and dumped. She was

I swear I was thinking we must have watched two different Different Worlds when I read this. How was a tv show supposed to prepare its viewers for systemic racism? Also, they talked about Blackness and race all the time? Just because they weren’t heavy-handed doesn’t men they ignored it but I can think of 5 episodes

How is this hard?

But Daniel saying “now we’re even,” no matter how lightly he meant it.....

This episode was really uncomfortable, wasn’t it?

If I ever dated a dude who called me his “rib,” I’d dump him with the quickness.

Unless the wife has said so to your face...

I feel you 100% and I think letting your ex’s “adulthood” go and focusing on yourself and the kids is probably best for everyone.

She might also just be pissed that everyone is enabling this man-child to live free and jobless, thus not paying any child support for the child they made together.

Whole Foods has ridiculous markup on their prices. Shopping at Trader Joe’s or MOM’s shows organic doesn’t have to cost as much as they were selling it. WF is getting their goods from the same mass produced agri-business conglomerates already in existence. WF is not paying the fruit pickers and laborers more than

Only if Whole Foods is paying its suppliers less.