Real Green Aero

interesting read. ... time to fap

I'm also starting to wonder whether Monolith got lucky given the fact I still haven't finished the main campaign in SoM. I go back to mess with hierarchy and build my army, but I have no motivation to complete the campaign missions. I'm curious as to how many other people are playing SoM the same way I am right now.

Yeah. I kept thinking the DLC would prove interesting testing grounds for stuff that Monolith could bring into a sequel, given how great and ambitious Mordor's base game was. I really hope that the inevitable sequel ends up reaching for bigger and better stuff than these crappy add-ons have. Womp womp.

Blah. I'm starting to think Monolith got lucky with SoM given the poor implementation of these story driven DLC. Here's hoping I'm wrong on that though.

I had the super scope with the 6 in 1 games cart or whatever it was but I think I can only remember one other retail game that actually used the thing..

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:

This just in: Software development is something only those who do it understand, but everyone that uses it loves to criticize.

We're enemies now.

See? Kanye is the new Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Well no, she's already in heaven, you're just trying to see if You Can Take Her Higher. To A Land Where Blind Men See.

The sexy characters themselves aren't a problem. It's part of the game's charm. It's that they're the focus of the game marketing, to the point where they define the franchise for non-players. In fact, one of the suggestions I make in the article is for Team Ninja not to change the current state of the characters.

Man, I should have just written "Dead or Alive shouldn't be a guilty pleasure" and then gone and got a sandwich.

As it only works in games, you'd have to have a game that showed a picture of you on the screen, and not many do, opting instead to show bodies in silhouette.

The PS4 isn't exactly swimming in exclusives, either.

Can't tell if trolling or not...but..the Xbox One has had video-capture from day one - it just hasn't had a screenshot function. Also...just going by reviews, the Xbox One has the far superior slate of exclusives.

It could also be a brand play... 7Up or Seven Seas Salad dressing. "Unite" could refer to 7 and 7, though Jason looks more like a single-malt kinda guy.

Of course you could. But come on man, if you want more people to build your stuff, are you going to give them LEGO or a pile of balsa wood and glue?

But not full games.

Bethesda is the worst for this shit. I want to make a game called "Scrolls from the Fallout" just to give them the middle finger.