Real Green Aero

Did you know that music budgets on most TV shows appear below catering on the budget? That is why we get hosed so often.

I was once in an African desert when it rained. Natch we all sang this song.

There is absolutely nothing illegal about this situation. Buying a digital product like this (even a CD) is only buying a license to use the material... Not necessarily forever. Did you know that if you die then your iTunes music library is supposed to die with you? We don’t ever own anything that someone else

I have represent a catalog of around 25 indie artists with my music licensing company. Which is to say I have some great music but not the hits of the ‘80s and ‘90s that people feel they need to appreciate a game soundtrack - especially in period pieces. That was the reason people cried about the Watch Dogs soundtrack

not if rockstar does a perpetual license. The problem here I think is that they used so many huge pop songs they couldn’t afford to license the songs in perpetuity. A game like watchdogs had a more indie soundtrack and I’m sure those weren’t 3-5 year licenses like GTA San Andreas was.

It wasn't Xenophobe? That game was the shiz-nuzzle. Commander Keen was sweet too. Shareware on floppies!!

Remember when River Phoenix was Indiana Jones? Then someone else was Indiana Jones. And then there was that nightmare about Iowa Stevens and the Cristal Hangover.

I think peaches look like butts so I’d like to see a NSFW warning at my grocery store. M

Finger butts are the shit!

Caddies are more strongly discriminated against in the PGA circuit than any other “minority.”

It would be good to simulate the temple scene in Golden Child. Don’t spill the water. Give me the na-na-na-knife!

Not really. Looks ok to me.

I hope the load times are like 5 minutes each so I stop playing this game after 10 hours even though it's awesome.

*fart noise*

It’s about time Lucas started paying me $20 each time i have to watch one of his CGI-uodated original trilogy disasters or that trilogy-that-must-not-be-named.

Aren’t women’s rims two feet lower and a three foot shorter free throw line and a 89% smaller ball and 25% larger basket? No wonder they shot better than men.

Not really. But ok... It's probably because you choose who to associate with and most are probably real friends. Unlike a COD match with Pre-pubescent Captain White Power.

How would they get caught? If I thought your comment was so stupid that it offended my sense of awesome then I would go to the mall and find a pay phone and call that swat team on you, but you wouldn't know it was me because I wouldn't post about it afterward.

wouldnt swatting like be 1000 times more common if there was no anonymity and every 13 y/o I killed in Minecraft (is that a thing?) could call the swat team on me?
