Hilarious. Just got this on Steam and I shitally made my way through the intro levels. Can't wait for more. So I can embarrass my self with lack of engineering.
Hilarious. Just got this on Steam and I shitally made my way through the intro levels. Can't wait for more. So I can embarrass my self with lack of engineering.
Did you already get it pregnant?
Flagellating yourself is pretty gay.
Maybe because not everyone has a PC and Xbox One? So Steam doesn't mean anything to those people. Just saying.
You make no sense.
Two Girls, One Cup. Google it. ;)
Over your head I suppose. No worries. We don't all get the joke.
Two Ions, One Engine.
Nearly crushed? It "folded in" not tipped over and stopped with about 3 feet of vertical space left. So crushed? More like crouched. Let's change the headline to "Nearly Crouched."
You're a fucking animal. Go watch all the Trek films right now. Except the TNG ones I guess.
You said bold.
youre one of those people and that's ok. I think Kotaku even had a 40 page "he said, she said" in regards to what's the better film. But I think you're being a little too anal in your thinking. Actually... If Aliens had a Ripley/Hicks backdoor scene... Wait, we're was I? Oh right. Yeah people like you try and keep…
I 100% legitimately had a nightmare about these the other day. This is the devil's testicles and I hate the evil they embody.
The Pimps. Classy.
This only makes sense if Dolphy makes Supes dye his hair blond. Otherwise he's still a lesser being/mongrel. If I remember my Mein Kampf. It was summer reading at my elementary in Alabama.
At least they got the shadows right.
It's amazing to me how many commenters here didn't realize fatalities were a thing. I feel old.
well yeah they would sway for about 2 seconds at the end of a match allowing you to shame them with a silly death. I usually just did a low punch FTW.
I managed to finish as I read the last sentence. Well written piece that way!
Take that Australia. You probably won't even get to play Mad Max if it ever comes out.