
if its going to be on TV, I will drunk hate watch it.

Well at least if this whole thing erupts into madness and rioting, we will only lose Cleveland instead of a city people would miss.

“You were completely reckless with sensitive government information in flagrant violation of the rules. But that took courage, for some reason. Therefore, FIFTY POINTS TO GRIFFINDOR!!!”

I also love the “it’s public property” defense. Like public urination isn't illegal.

Totally off topic, but I think this case would make an excellent basis for the next season of the Serial podcast. I'd love to hear Sarah Koenig dig into the nuances of this s case!

Are you serious? Wiesel endured the unimaginable, and then dedicated his entire life to victims of oppression. He headed a commission to investigate the Romanian government’s persecution of Jews and Romanis during the Holocaust. He advocated against apartheid in South Africa, genocides in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur,

pls dismiss the edgelord who desperately wants to hate a universally beloved person on the day of their passing because it makes their dick hard

I live in MA, and have been following this case closely because it is fascinating to me for several reasons. I am taking Justice Cordy’s crim. pro. II class in the fall. I can’t WAIT to pick his brain about this.

Her face is like 60% forehead.

prayers because at this point in time this community needs exactly that, we need prayer

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

Says it all

My cousin is a commercial pilot.

yes, when I see the caliber of my local TSA agents, my homeland security fears are assuaged.

Idk, even the devil has standards. This is just ruthless.

That’s such a staggering amount of money if those families will have to pay, many will be destroyed financially. It’s unbelievably cruel on every conceivable level... Whoever made this decision is fucking satan.


The face you make when you’re going over some of the choices you’ve made:

In their final moments on earth, these poor girls were fully aware that their own mother was going to blow them away just to spite their father. On his birthday.