Off topic, but this comment makes me desperately want to visit your shop.
Off topic, but this comment makes me desperately want to visit your shop.
Spitting in someone’s food is gross and unquestionably wrong, but I’m firmly on Team No One. This is an abuse of the investigative and legal system and feels like such a money grab. Could just be my inner cynic, but seriously.
I can't stop laughing. A+
Oh god, I hope not. I will evacuate if that turdstain lives here.
Lessons learned from living in Scotland: never, ever EVER ask about what's under the kilt. It's like rule #1 in the "Foreigner's Guide to Living in Scotland."
Seconded! O'Brien is an elected official. Ohio Jezzies—what are the chances of his office listening to its constituents? Also, if there's any suggestions for what Massachusetts Jezzies might be able to do? I'm totally drawing a blank, but I figure even MA's law enforcement isn't doing enough.
You and I actually sound like we have some very similar experiences, so maybe my story will help to further explain what you’ve been missing.
I’ve been fat girl from puberty onwards, and I could track major crises in my life by my weight gain. By the time I was 13, I was fatter than almost all of my peers, and even…
I’m a medieval gender/sexuality historian (not the day job, but you know). Once, I was at a black tie military dinner with my father and joined him partway through his conversation with a high-ranking officer. They’d been doing the usual talk about your job, your family, your family members’ jobs thing, and so it had…
"Life or death experiences may cause people to re-evaluate what's important in their lives," Karraker said. "It could be that women are saying, 'You're doing a bad job of caring for me. I'm not happy with this, or I wasn't happy with the relationship to begin with, and I'd rather be alone than be in a bad marriage.'"
(Quasi) Serious question: How many of the politicians supporting the arming of college campuses—specifically using "rape prevention" as a justification—have made open victim-shaming comments? How many of these people support anti-abortion actions that would deny abortions even in instances of rape? How many of these…
The summer before I started grad school, I lost a ton of weight. I'd been "that fat girl" for most of my life, so being thinner opened me up to this whole new world of romantic and sexual attention—and I had no idea how to handle it properly.
The embarrassing partner in question was a punk hipster (which apparently is…