When Qui-Gon said he had always been there, you could tell Obi-Wan was thinking about how many times he’d jerked off in that cave.
When Qui-Gon said he had always been there, you could tell Obi-Wan was thinking about how many times he’d jerked off in that cave.
If you listen to the podcast, which AV Club has somehow made two separate stories about, Cooper is talking about how he expected the Hollywood acting and directing community to be more welcoming, or at least nominally cordial, like he thinks would be towards another person’s success. He was then apparently shocked…
I believe lubricants can help when using enormous rough penises.
I trained with a mystic tree thing for 7 years and now I have $300,000 in student loan debt and no job!
A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.
I don’t think you imagined it. I remember reading about the contacts but I could not remember if it was an actor-eye problem or a “this looks dumb in test” problem.
You know, civilized in a samurai/seppuku kind of way!
‘It appears the absorber of information has now become the purveyor of it!’
“You seem to bump into him like constantly! Surely he must be dead by now!”
“Only an imparter of evil, Generic!”
And of course, in just ten more years the galaxy will go from the Inquisitors openly hunting for Jedi, to everyone having forgotten they ever existed.
I think GP added that first part for comedic effect (to highlight how dumb it is that Tarkin would assume Obi Wan is dead in ANH given what’s happening in the series now). Tarkin just says, “Surely he must be dead by now”:
I guess what I am saying is I just have a completely different reading on the words in the article above than you had.
Or -- and hear me out, because this is a little wild -- two well-crafted shows can succeed without either of them needing to be a reaction to the other or their audiences.
I can’t say I mind Olivia Colman being in everything, tho
Though remember that the last episode makes it perfectly clear that Kim has a perfect opportunity to do something which will help a lot of people and fulfill all the good intentions she claims to have without sticking it to Howard... which she turns her back on just to see the plan to destroy Howard go through. At…
Yeah, they definitely seem to forget that Howard told Kim to persuade Jimmy to drop his pursuit of a lawyer position at HHM because Howard didn’t want Jimmy to be crushed when he learned it was Chuck who was blocking him from working there. There’s always been humanity underneath Howard’s pompousness.
I’ve been arguing for weeks that Howard isn’t that bad and people consistently call him a douchebag for reasons I can’t understand. He’s a little smarmy in his professional life but the way he interacts and treats people outside of work consistently paints the picture of a kind-hearted person.
I don’t understand why so many seem to view Howard as a dick.
Cheryl also has superpowers, on top of her witchcraft (and spending a few episodes possessed by the spirit of a vengeful ancestor). Shes a pyrokinetic!