And the old abandoned rollerskating disco would have paid them!
And the old abandoned rollerskating disco would have paid them!
Me think me speak for many, many readers when me say writers who keep this site going in future not really issue, as this is last time me will click on site that me loved for so many years. G/O has destroyed beloved cultural institution — gutting this site akin to bulldozing Sesame Street, and me for one not would be…
“Yeah, Jim. Good guy. Taught me to lift wit’ ma knees. Strange, he didn’t show up to day. Hey, he’s not in any kinda trouble, is he?”
Hey folks. I just wanted to drop in and say thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and also for reading what I’ve written at The A.V. Club these past nine years. I know I wasn’t always the most consistent presence in the comments, even before the Kinja transition, but I dipped in fairly regularly, and for…
Wandavision did too (although they tried the beams/punching first before realizing they wouldn’t work), so pairing up the two surviving characters that have beaten their antagonists with trickery is cool.
Cumberbatch’s asshole cowboy character from Power of the Dog, wielding an anthrax-poisoned bullwhip.
There is no legal theory to support that. If you buy a physical work of art, you only acquire the object and the right to display it. You do not own the right to reproduce it or create derivative works. We have centuries of legal precedent for selling art, the fact that it is a digital copy with a Certificate of…
I actually remember when the vaccine rolled out that doctors were saying get it asap because of Covid mutates it could become less effective. Which Omikron proves.
Like, for instance, eight months ago, if you said ‘if you get vaccinated, you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID,’ you would be removed from social media.
Yeah, that vaccine you got was totally useless, since it didn’t keep you from getting Covid and just kept you from dying.
Are you still alive?
Yeah, what got people banned/shouted down was the claim: “even if you’re vaccinated, you can still catch and spread COVID, so you shouldn’t get vaccinated.”
It’s that last part that was dangerous.
“Like, for instance, eight months ago, if you said ‘if you get vaccinated, you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID,’ you would be removed from social media. They would ban you from certain platforms.”
No, that’s bullshit. The man is very wrong here. Nobody ever said that getting vaccinated was 100% protection against COVID and the initial studies did not show that, they showed that it reduced the risk of getting hospitalized or dying. The initial analysis only looked at infections in a cursory way anyway.…
*snerk* Daredevil’s approach to the law is just a smidge better than The Book of Boba Fett’s approach to organized crime.
I just hope newcomers weren’t tempted to check the show out because of the “I’m a very good lawyer” line from ‘No Way Home’, because if so, they’re in for some disappointment.
If an Hour you’d not see, then wait to learn that it is Three!
One “good guy” tries to free the house elves in a subplot played mainly for laughs as that character annoys the shit out of all the other “good guys” with their overzealous attempts to change a system that’s “worked just fine” for years.
Don’t you lump us Gen-Xers with old people who watch old people shows! We’re not that old! We’re just middle age :(