I like it, except Agent Johnson was in junior high while Agent Johnson was in Saigon.
How do film executives continually fail to understand the appeal of Die Hard?
Bogart was trying to take Hepburn down the Nile River? He really was a terrible boat captain!
“Sexy Beasts...is...a...well-done...Shakespearean tragedy.” — Saloni Gajjar, The A.V. Club
I think that’s the Spider-Man from the Earth X universe: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Peter_Parker_(Earth-9997)
New Mobility Magazine did a great comic on that exact thing. The show’s attitude towards Spinal Cord Injury would be insulting if it wasn’t so funny. Check out that comic.
the kid who got kicked off the stairs in an “all out karate riot”
You could not have put that any more perfectly.
It’s the scenes where someone’s standing on a planet, watching another planet explode/implode, and it’s like ten times the size of the irl moon in our irl sky.
I still don’t really get what the geo(-galacto?-)political situation between the New Republic and First Order was supposed to be, pre-TFA.
When Luke finally shows up at the end, it’s maybe the most effective sequel-bait scene I can remember. I couldn’t believe I had to wait two more years to see more of that guy.
TLJ didn’t undo TFA’s threads or paint the trilogy into a corner. It advanced the plot, developed the characters and left a broad possibility space that ROS entirely squandered.
“They were going to make me a tailor for this, and I was even in the fucking Order anymore...!”
The production has too many problems with backdoors as it is.
They’re filming all the relativistic time dilation stuff for real, though, so production won’t wrap for like a thousand years.
What does Shiv get from Tom? Well...
No, this was not a grand plan of Logan’s. He’s not clever or sneaky like that. He rules by brute force. He genuinely believed Kendall was thoroughly broken and under his thumb.
Definitely smiling because Kendall earned his respect. I don’t see any reasonable way this was part of a big plan of Logan’s. We’ve seen again and again that Logan is pretty s**t at planning ahead.
Not going to lie, this idea that some Succession viewers have that Logan is some sort of all-seeing chess master who sees 4 moves ahead of everyone else is baffling to me. He’s an abuser and a bully and that’s how he’s gone about his business. The two times Kendall tried to fuck him over he managed to survive through…