Yeah, like in the previous episode where he couldn’t see how stealing bread to feed your family could be an ethical gray area because he knew it would be an automatic -17 points, or -18 if it was a baguette since it’s more French. We can’t trust everything Michael says but I don’t think he’d be lying there.
I suppose though, that just because the points system is real, doesn’t mean that it necessarily results in the majority of non-French, non-Floridian people ending up in the Bad Place.
While the point system might be real that doesn’t mean he didn’t fudge the details about how things are actually scored. The list he showed could have simply been made up to mess with people. And for us to laugh at.
The anachronisms aren’t troubling just because they’re distracting, they also convey a sense that the showrunners (repeated comments to the contrary) don’t actually care all that much about the Star Trek universe they’re inhabiting. Of course they’re going to update the look of the show for 2017, no one’s asking for…
But the show isn’t quite a show on its own merits — it’s relying on TOS props (figuratively) like Sarek, Mudd and (literally) tribbles.
Criticizing the show for poorly fitting into its franchise is very much a valid criticism. The problem with Discovery isn’t simply that it’s doing something new or different, but that it’s doing so at the expensive of the series that it is very much supposed to be a part of. There’s the concept for a work to best…
While I get what you’re saying, I think Zack has a very good point here.
For better or worse, Star Trek: Discovery is part of a much larger franchise. And for the show to make constant references to Star Trek’s mythology while simultaneously ignoring or rewriting other parts of that mythology is hardly “seeing what…
Yeah but I’m not running any of them over with my trolley either.
Going that fast, it’s easy to overshoot.
And then, when he encounters a foe who is faster still, he must learn to have the self-confidence to run even faster than them.
And he went on to be the best Joker yet. He nailed that perfect mix of clownish buffoonery and genuine menace that made the Joker such a compelling villain.
Yeah, I’ve met a lot of teenagers, and I never met one who went out of his way to write an editorial trying to prove Hispanics are dumb. That’s not some teenager shit. That’s some this asshole shit.
This week in Reasons I’m Rooting For Maximus:
Also: “We’ve got Rose McGowan for this picture. How about we give her a weird look that hides her beauty but is also not cool or creepy, just dumb looking!”
Agreed. I feel much the same about Tom Jane’s The Punisher, actually.
I never thought about that, might be on to something.
I think it deserves to be in the top 10 if you delete the second ending
That would make it a better movie, but its still not a great science fiction movie.
I like the ending. Even if it’s seemingly Spielbergian in its need to end on an up note, the fact is that the kid only gets one day with his replicant mother before she dies and he’s turned off. It’s a happy ending in the way The Road has a happy ending; only by comparison to what’s come before.