
I don't mind the off topic stuff. It's just that just about every article she posts is about:
Something from NeoGaf
Wash, rinse, repeat.

Patricia Hernandez...sigh. How she still has a job at Kotaku escapes me.

Because it's Patricia and it's not an actual news story.

Kotaku after E3: "MS got owned! Sony rulez!!! Screw MS and their stripping of all mah rights!! How dare they! Here's a jpg of a burning Xbox!!!!"

That's because there is no such thing as a games console anymore. The majority of people who own PS3s and Xbox 360s watch Netflix on them. We have all-in-one media hubs now, not dedidcated gaming machines.

Because maybe some people want both?

OF course they are not happy. Were talking about Microsoft here. Every one needs to be negative and bandwagony.( i know thats not a word)

So, they're giving us free games and based on the discussion here, people aren't happy?

I'm definitely not sold on the new Xbox, but I have to say that those are some really cool controller features. Innovation that actually makes playing games more convenient ftw!

Well now, Windows 8 and phone only... And tablets... With a low cost... Yeah, I'm guessing this is also for RT then, even if not explicitly stated.

Finally a AAA-ish game for the 8-platform family.
I kinda feel sorry for it.
To be loathed by so many, although it has the best performance and most potential of them all, is quite the sign of immaturity to the whole PC/Gaming Culture.

Well it's basically a windows 7 with an elaborate start button

I bought it and I don't regret it in the slighest. I'm probably installing it on my laptop soon.

The game that made you buy two terrible sequels.

Now playing

I have a Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8, and it is genuinely the best damn phone I've ever had. While iOS and Android devices churn out the same UIs and interface experiences with slightly more RAM each time, the Lumia 920 is a genuine attempt at pushing mobile UI and connectivity forward (also always runs at 60fps,

they build 8 with tablets and phone cross platforming in mind.

They took an iconic laughable comic villian and turned it into an iconic very realistic representation of what Americans perceive as terror.
The whole identity thing is not the actual issue. You just wanted to see Ben Kingsley throwing fireballs, don't lie.

Oh god please let it support controllers.

I guess they don't realize they can just put their tinfoil hats on top of the Kinect camera-thingy. Problem solved.