
Amen.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way

Where is Lazlow???!!??

... I hope you dont get paid for this shit..

All I have to do is read the Shitty titles to know which ones Patricia Hernandez wrote. I hope they dont pay her...


Ouch.. I'm a cheap ass gamer.. I think there are many out there like me. This is a dealbreaker, and I was EXTREMELY interested in this game. With all my other finances and responsibilities I dont care how awesome a game is I cant justify paying an extra $15 every month. UNLESS it was going to be the only game I know

UGGGHH even with an easy topic Patricia Hernandez is a terrible writer..

Patricia Hernandez is the WORST Kotaku author. That is all

There are a few womans in this video that would get smashed alright... YouKnowWhatI'mSayin'?

Because not enough people are PC gaming. $500 bucks for an X1 or $1000+ for a gaming computer, that requires more upkeep and upgrades along the way. I agree PC gaming is awesome, and you can get better performance however console gaming is a billion times more convinient for the mass population.

Great news for XBOX ONE

I disagree with "just like everyone else". Its just you and the other Kotaku Hipster kids that "ONLY WANT VIDEOGAMES". Most people have spouses, kids, friends and family that come over and watch the game, or movies and TV. XBOX is going to allow me to facilitate all of my living room needs into one sexy device. My

Lionshead: Please do something innovative with smartglass!!!

Funny, and true

Agreed I have the HTC 8x. Love it. How do you deal with all the douchey MS hating sheep on Kotaku???


Red Hulk

Sorry not one for crazy right-winged conspiracy theories. If you want privacy you should get an NES. If you think the gov needs the XBOX to spy on you, you have bigger problems. You should also get rid of your LAN line and cellphone.

Its okay, the PS4 is perfect if you are a teenager who lives in their parents basement and only wants to play videogames by themselves. If you do more than ONLY videogames, and you enjoy the social aspect of games and premium multiplayer experience go XBOX.