Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

There's been a disturbance in The Force. I can feel it in my ass.

I'm going to screenshot this comment. When my grandchildren ask me what 2017 was like, I'll simply post this image.

I had always thought that Krusty was a parody of my father who was an alcoholic clown who could only get off by freebasing moon rocks.

Poly Styrene: Sane Planning, Sensible Tomorrow

My answer to the new 12th question is never. I've never had fun.

You must have missed their on screen pairing Look Who's Grunting.

No snowflake! No snowflake! You're the snowflake!
My god, this guy tires me to death.

Ho Ho Ho! Maynard Krebsmas!

They tried, but when presented with the filming schedule John Rhys-Davies said it was shooting on "bad dates" for him.

The story of how Franco acquired the rights to this will be covered in Franco's making of documentary Of Dubious Origins.

Sick Boy will give Renton a thumbs up while being lowered into molten steel to close the movie.

It's worked for me so far. My list of greatest movies:
1. Hard Target
2. Movies that aren't Hard Target

That's because Woo's Hong Kong stuff had a noticeable dearth of Wilford Brimley riding a horse while wielding a bow and arrow.

Back then she was credited with her birth name, Lane Jynch. It doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

My mom loved Tommy Lee Jones in that movie. She couldn't wait to say, "I don't care" to our various little kid complaints. And she never passed up an opportunity to tell the person at the local donut shop that she'd like a chocolate donut with some of those little sprinkle things on top.

Steve Van Zantd heard that American Apparel was having a 40% off closing sale and was busy buying up all their available head scarves.

That depends on what your definition of "is" is.

Siskel and Ebert gave it two corpse boners up.

It was really helpful to have the boner sundial let me know when each enjoyable minute had ended and it was time to enjoy another minute.

Some friends of mine got kicked out of Circuit City for putting all four discs of Zaireeka on various car stereo systems on display to try to hear it the way that it was intended. I've never listened to that album, but having to play all four parts at once seems like a huge hassle even in the digital age.