Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

It looks like a photo of Kim Cattrall from 1986.

The Prighlofone has just endorsed me as the only person qualified to go on a twitter tirade. I've named Prighlofone Seceratary of the Cyber. Believe me, no one knows the Cyber better than The Prighlofone and I've got the best, the greatest, really, men working on this, you see.

That still leaves five boring ass steps. Fashioning a noose seems a far better use of my time.

Have you tried baiting him to come out with some Flintstones™ Chewable Morphine?

You're thinking of Green Acres. That show was more progressive than anyone had realized.

There's seven fucking steps to make them. I'd commit suicide around step three just to save myself from the tedium.

I know a genuine Panaphonics when I see it. And look, there’s Magnetbox and Sorny.

Amazon will chuck Jazz out the door like Uncle Phil.

I say go for it and worry about the consequences later. That's what 2016 would do.

My dad has said that Trump was elected due to the electoral college protecting us form "Mob Rule". In this scenario the "Mob" refers to the majority of the American electorate. I'm really not looking forward to Cristmas dinner this weekend.

I have no idea what any of that means. However, Mu is a really great band. Manchester's Revenge still gets play around my place.

I didn't even realize that anyone could even consider it as a joke. I'm jaded as fuck and that album gets me every time. It's just beautiful.

I ripped Oh, Inverted World from Limewire and burned it onto a Phillips brand cd-r I bought at Long's Drugs. This is the most 2002 thing a person could do.

Divorce lawyer: "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle."

It was especially surprising to see that he was done in by a bad date.

2lider2: Parallelogram

Cucks. Rule. Everything. Around. Me.

*Charlie O'Connell cries more than usual*

If we told Morrisey that he'd have to die to undo 2016, he'd tell us to go fuck ourselves while eating a tofurkey sandwich.

Please, please, please let me get what I want.