Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Or about his road trip through the Salinas Valley.
007: Spreckels

I like to eat both and really bask in the plethora of aromas my body can produce.

Like Major Major Major Major.

But it makes your farts stink worse.

He was a goddamned ball of awesome in Civil War. We can only hope the next Spider-Man movie is nearly as fun as promised.

Listen, it may happen. I'll never say never again.

The idea of a female Bond will leave many shaken and may just stir up too many emotions for some to handle.

Your wish list works on more than one level. Also, I believe you have them listed in the proper order for any type of wish list.

I both Fear and Loathe that he may get away with this.

They do that because it's supposed to be a Full House. Duh.

Special move: The People's Republic Elbow.

So, just Jersey Shore then?

Upon further inspection Double Take isn't even a Van Damme movie. I was thinking of Double Team. Oh, well.

When I saw that character's name I did a Double Take.

You joke, but that is their logical conclusion.

No channel has strayed further from their original intent than TLC as far as I can tell.

The viewers that were making the critical darlings actual hits moved on to more niche programming. Meanwhile, horrendous dreck like Big Bang Theory and NCIS draw in the masses that would have been watching whatever the hell aired on the major networks anyhow.

If the numbers that something like the series finale of M*A*S*H* got came through on a single episode today, Nieslen headquarters itself would probably explode in a display of orgasmic proportions.

Vin Diesel Buys New House That is a Functioning D&D Board. More at Eleven.

Blacks Shoot Blacks at Black Concert.
Black Lives Matter?