Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

When will the black leaders speak up against this violence?!?!?

Horrible news. Hopefully they catch those who're responsible quickly.

Dying on Hill? Just like Vince Foster!

*dunks in Jake Gyllenhaal's face*
"Air Mail!"

*smashes ArgieBargie in the face with a NOS tank*

Dorothy Malone: known to the great people of Utah as Mailma'am.

Its really a hold your nose and vote kind of year. Hillary's slogan should just be:
"Let's not be dumb here, c'mon."
-Hillary 2016

A lot of my liberal friends are talking about voting third party if Bernie runs as anything other than a Democrat. There have been many years when voting third party may have been an OK choice, but the likelihood of Trump weasling his weasel ass into the presidency because we spilt the vote is not an option this go

She'd have to be high for that!

My bad. Like most assholes I merely skimmed the article. Then had a knee jerk to your post.

Walls! Killary! Sharia! Bathroooooooooms!

He's not a rapper.

Trmp 2016!

*carrier pigeon flies message to Sam in his dungeon*

She'll give birth to a fully formed 43 year old bleached blonde divorcée. Xanderpusses around the world rejoice.

Oh, yeah. I'd missed Martha Stewart this week.

Glambert 4eva!

He'll cut all their possessions in half and let the lawyers sort shit out.

Lengthwise or crossways? If it's crossways who gets the asses?

That's a long ass time to wait for the good shit.
ETA: I should have known you'd have edited.