Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

That slumdog bastard twisted us!

Don Cheadle replaced him as my Knight of Cups.

He calls that Monkey Wrench. It's, uh, oddly shaped.

This do in rememberance of me.
*shotguns beer*
*crushes can on forehead*

It's located in The Gulf of Taylor Thomas.

Being able to tell one story per season really decreases the risk of plot threads going out of control and formerly good shows devolving into glorified soap operas.

He does have the best record of shutting down the government for personal political gain. I'll give him that.

Lisa needs braces.

The most comfortable jeans would have an elastic waistband and would be made of sweatpants material. I've yet to collect enough cats to justify living in this paradise.

I had one pair of JNCO that my mom quickly vetoed. The baggiest jeans I could get away with were Anchor Blue Beyond Baggy. I felt like such a lamo with such tight jeans. While all my friends were sporting the 26" leg openings I had to settle for a mere 23".

Rock and Roll, baby! Freedom of speech!

I was thinking inside the box, preferably.

Do you mean come before?

People are going to tune in based on brand recognition alone. Hollywood may be stupid, but we are much more stupid.

I'd watch the hell out of a California Pete spinoff.

I've got a white guy bingo!
*is awarded a loaf of Wonderbread*

His middle name is Tus-Welliver.

I tried to get him to sign my Limewire, but it died due to infection from more viruses than I can name.

The trick to breaking through is a closely guarded Pop Secret.

The Vikings have been to four Superbowls. They've lost them all, but they get there, dammit.