Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

That's the best kind of better.

When they post about some unknown band on the newswire we all make fun of the band's hipster beards and dumb band name. This is AV Club giving us obviously old curmudgeons what we want.

I think that you've stated the point I was attempting to make far better than I ever could have.

Yes, this is dumb. Thank you.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that that was part of the liking to have sex part of it. The song doesn't admonish her love of sex, it merely states it. I'm pretty sure that the mention of her love of "bone" isn't meant as an insult. The lyrics are dumb, but I don't get that they are meant in a derogatory manner.

Whyyyyyyyyy? Wheeeeeeeen? Whiiiiiiiiich?

Can't we all agree that everything is dumb and get it over with? I'm tired of nitpicking.

This is the worst time of the year.

The Los Angeles Apathy.

The Little Rock Little Rocks. Their stadium is located on the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard and Jabroni Drive.

Who would have thought that sweaty muscle bound men writhing in a pile could be sexy? It boggles the mind!

That show is just full of lies.

He was sleeping on the bench at the park but it was too cold.

To be fair to Rupert Murdoch, most everyone he knows is a zombie of some sort.

Solid shits are too much work anyhow. All that grunting and straining? No thanks! I prefer to just relax my sphincter and let gravity go to work on the runny slop that was last night's Taco Bell.

"Colin Firth and Hugh Grant are delightful in their first on screen full penetration gay sex scene."
-Gene Shalit.

Cinemax shows the Bob Guccione version with an extra hour of hardcore porn cut into the film.

Upon emerging from his tomb with a glorious burst of light and the sound of trumpets Jesus handed each of his disciples a Cadbury Creme Egg. He broke them one by one and said, "Eat this yolk in rememberance of me." He then rose to Heaven in a basket filled with plastic grass.

That's kind of her thing. Richie Witherspoon isn't really into it. But, dammit, he cares about his sister!

That's way too on topic for Mohd.