Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Sounds like someone has never visited Madame Tussaud's with a blowtorch and some duct tape. My bikini zone has never been this smooth.

The AV Club

Or his brother Cliff Paul. He'd like to "assist" you with some insurance coverage.

Gives a whole new meaning to "riding the Pine."

Chris P's ranked:

As do all the cast members of CHiPs, his father has major sway in Hollywood.

That's because most of us are keeping this picture strictly personal.

But I stiiiiiiiill haven't found what I'm looking for!

At least the basement is safe from pawking metaws.

But I'm on the pavement mixing up the medicine.

Dinosaurs are a myth anyhow. It's just some overzealous atheist paleontologists trying to disprove the true story of creation by chipping away at rocks until they resemble bones. I, for one, won't be fooled.

This will be our sassiest gimmick account yet.

Condoms? Who needs 'em? I like the real feel.

Marcus Bachmann has a program to refute that claim.

If this were Cronenberg's house the vagina would be the actual sink.

You've got metal fever, boy!

That's why there's a vagina in the sink.

PantsGoblin you're the pickle in my coleslaw, PantsGoblin you're the sugar in my tea, PantsGoblin you're the relish on my hot dog, PantsGoblin you're the mayonnaise for me oh oh oh

Do you fear that he may eat all of your decorative soaps?

I named the big one 'Bitey'.