Real. Comfortable. Jeans.


I think it's slang for that guy that looks like Morgan Spurlock and rode motorcycles with Vito for like three episodes' penis.

It works with pudding, a lathe, and a "Hello Friends" sweatshirt.

It's a Facehugger Pop. Delicious!

Oh no! I was wrong. She was blind all along. She's finally made a helper monkey out of meeeeee!

Followed by the Broadway Musical Oh Henry!

Wouldn't Yakety Sax be more appropriate?

I've heard that your colon is itchy red and swollen. Raymond's here. Raymond's here.

Chris Evans was wearing JNCOs the last time he was on Fallon.

Oh, while I'm drifting off to sleep. Well, then you've seen the most shameful part of my night already.

Eat more Taco Bell. You'll get more frequent restroom breaks.

I've taped a picture of your avatar to my pillow. That way I'll never be without you.

He's a forty degree day Idris Elba at best.

What is up Satan's ass? All he wants to do is fuck us up, the dick licker.

I was hoping for Dolly Reed fronting The Colbert Nations.

Cocaine happened to Yasmine Bleeth.

At least there isn't an asshole dog laughing at my futility.

Salma Hayek's Lather

At this point your best bet is to stake out a good spot at the staring window.

That show should have never made it past the promos. God, those were awful.