Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

The AV Club
Just press the button back there marked booze.

*Everyone at AV Club jumps into a comically ridiculous vehicle and races to the Ten High distillery*

How ironic.

Jesus of Nazareth?

I kind of like it. Mounds of wrinkly flesh covered in mysterious spots all mashing together as one. It's beautiful in a way.

Bryan Singer's Ready to Deny Any Knowledge of or Contact with Player One

Pontificater? I feel dirty just saying it.

Corey Stoll's wig man is standing by!

I just upvoted you. Put on that damned zebra costume!

You two just crossed streams!

Mama June? I thought you were in hiding!

*approving grunt noises*

I come for the ladies!

I've never seen this show, but I feel that I should be saying things about it on the Internet. Ummm, it stinks!

It can be two things!

Dikachu needs something extended to put better stuff in.

It's distressing in the sense that people are actually agreeing with him and think he's what would be good for the country. His dragging of the rest of the party down to his level is good for the Democratic Party, but the level of support thrown in his direction is genuinely distressing.

The more dumb shit he says the higher his numbers go. I was making a joke before, but this is legit distressing.

Perfect teeth, a nice smell, a class act all the way.